NUMS Department of Psychology (NDP) celebrated "World Autism Awareness Day" on 5th April 2022. The United Nations General Assembly unanimously declared 2nd April as World Autism Awareness Day to emphasize the importance of assisting and raising awareness regarding those with Autism. This year the theme of World Autism Awareness Day, as decided by the UN, is "Inclusive Quality Education for All." This theme targets the 4th sustainable development goal (SDGs), quality education for all, including persons with disabilities.

The event was fully loaded with engaging activities and an inter-university poster competition. The event consisted of an exclusive interview with Dr. Temple Grandin; an acclaimed author, activist, and autistic; whose biopic has been produced by HBO in 2010 named Temple Grandin. Students of NDP gave their zealous contribution and were given the exposure. The event started with the introductory note from chief organizer Ms. Halima Sadia Qureshi, Lecturer NDP, followed by the opening note by the Head of Department, Prof. Dr. Shazia Khalid, and comments by worthy Dean Prof. Dr. Azam Chaudhary. Dr. Uzma Masroor (Chair Department of Humanities, Education & Psychology) was the Chief Guest of the event. Dr. Uzma Masroor is a consultant clinical psychologist who has a specialization in Autism and has been working in the field for more than 20 years.

The chief guest gave a brief overview and shared the required knowledge regarding Autism with the audience. The flyers shared to spread awareness regarding Autism helped the audience take away the knowledge regarding Autism and avoid misunderstandings related to Autism. Followed by the talk, the exclusive interactive interview with Dr. Temple Grandin conducted by Ms. Halima Sadia Qureshi, Lecturer, NDP, inculcated a deep understanding of Autism, and the living example of coping with the condition and being professionally successful was motivating not only for people without Autism but also for parents of children with Autism and children with Autism themselves.

Proceeding with the event, the inter-university poster competition gave a chance to university students to be part of a healthy competition gaining awareness regarding Autism and motivating them to secure the positions rewarded with certificates and gifts. Jury for the poster competition was chief guest Dr. Uzma Masroor and Prof. Dr. Shazia Khalid. Dr Uzma Masroor announced the winners' names, and the first position was a tie. Two posters stood first: Ms. Enaab Syed from semester 5, DSBS, NUMS, and Ms. Shanzae Idrees and Ms. Misbah Sehar from semester 5, BS Public Health, NUMS. Ms. Areej Irfan secured the third position from semester 2, BS Psychology, NUMS. The aesthetic sense and knowledge of the students from diverse academic fields were appreciated and encouraged by the chief guest.

After the poster competition, the skit prepared by students of BS 1st semester NDP and supervised by Ms. Halima Sadia Qureshi amused the audience. It also delivered the required message of awareness regarding Autism. The two short films by BS 1st semester NDP students were displayed before conclusion of event by distributing gifts among the winner and certificates to all the participants of various activities and organizing teams. The audience gave valuable feedback regarding the event. The day's celebrations helped the layman gain more knowledge about Autism fulfilling the purpose of World Autism Awareness Day.