National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) conducted annual Self- Institutional Performance Evaluation (SIPE) on May 16-18, 2022. The self-review process was organized and facilitated by the Quality Assurance Directorate of NUMS.

The prime objective of SIPE was to self-evaluate the performance of the university based on 11 quality standards mentioned in IPE Manual of HEC. The panel comprised of five members, Air Cdre Dr. Riaz Ahmed (Retd) Director Quality Assurance, National University of Sciences and Technology (external expert) and internal members including Brig Dilshad Ahmed Khan, SI (M) (Retd), Director Academics, Prof Dr. Aamir Shahzad, Director Academics (Clinical), Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail, SI (M) (Retd), Director Quality Assurance and Dr Erum Monis Assistant Director QA.

Self-IPE activities commenced with a meeting of panel members with Lt Gen Wasim Alamgir, HI (M), Vice-Chancellor NUMS. University Portfolio Report 2022 was presented to the Vice-Chancellor. Thereafter, the panel members reviewed the compliance reports of previous years and validated current year data from program files, faculty files, and students’ dossiers maintained by Academics Directorates at the NUMS Secretariat.  

On the second day, the SIPE panel members held meetings with Deans, Head of Departments, Faculty members and Students separately to take candid feedback on courses taught and other academic activities. To check the facilities available on campus, the panel visited the laboratories, classrooms, library and other departmental set up.

Last day of SIPE was dedicated to the visit to the NUMS Constituent Institutions i.e Army Medical College and Armed Forces Postgraduate Medical Institute (AFPGMI). At both institutions, the panel met with the Heads of Institutions and Heads of Departments, faculty and students. Panel toured around the facilities of the institutions. External member praised the constituent institutions for having state of the art infrastructure and academic facilities available to the students.

On return to NUMS secretariat panel held an exit meeting with the honorable Vice-Chancellor. Air Cdre Dr. Riaz Ahmed (Retd) appreciated the efforts put in for organizing the successful three-day activity. He added that NUMS is playing a leading role in the medical research to uplift the standards of medical education and healthcare facilities in Pakistan. Projects like NUMS Institute of Advance Studies and Research (NIASR) and under planning NUMS medical city are evidence in this regard. He also raised some points for continual quality improvements, keeping into consideration feedback received from various quarters. Lastly Vice-Chancellor NUMS presented the souvenir to the external expert and thanked him for participating in NUMS, SIPE.