Virtual Orientation Session for Students (BSPH)- Second Batch: Session 2021-25

NUMS Department of Public Health arranged its virtual orientation session for Bachelor of Science in Public Health (BSPH) degree program to welcome the second batch of students, on March 15th 2021. The aim of this degree program is to create a health workforce, capable to generate health awareness and health promotion among the community by adopting an innovative and community- based learning approach.

In the wake of the third wave of COVID-19 pandemic surge, online arrangements were made to welcome the new batch of students at NUMS. The session was attended by the students, external faculty members of concerned courses and the faculty members of Department of Public Health; The Head of department Professor Dr Uzma Hassan, Dr Tamkeen Jaffry Associate Professor, Dr Bismillah Sehar Assistant Professor, Dr Hina Shan Assistant Professor, Dr Rehma Gilani Senior Lecturer and Ms Rubab Zulfiqar Assistant Manager.

Dr Hina Shan opened the session by introducing the students with the mission of NUMS and brief prospective of Department of Public Health.

A welcome note was given by the Head of Department Professor Dr. Uzma Hassan. She congratulated the students on joining a University which is the largest health provider in the country. It follows the spirit of scientific inquiry to equip its students with the best of medical education and training. She reiterated the important role that public health plays in the development of a strong and resilient health system.

The faculty members gave their brief introduction. Dr.Tamkeen Jaffry, briefed the students regarding academic details of BSPH degree program. Dr Rehma Gilani gave outline of prospective research activities at the department.

Pro Vice Chancellor (Academics) Maj Gen Saleem Ahmad Khan HI(M) (Retd), in his address to students highlighted the tremendous progress NUMS has made during the past five years. He underscored the role of NUMS faculty in imparting quality education and wished a promising career in public health research and development.

The students introduced themselves to the faculty members and to each other, briefly highlighting their interests in Public health and their reasons of joining NUMS.

At the end, a training session on the learning management system Moodle was conducted by Ms. Aqsa Arshad, Directorate of Digital Technologies, followed by a Question Answer session. The Chair concluded the session with a note of thanks to the students, faculty members and the concerned Staff. The academic session started formally from March 16, 2021.