Healthcare has become a chief concern around the world these days. Thus, there is a growing demand to understand healthcare businesses in order to guarantee quality services to patients. When casualties walk into a healthcare facility, the staff needs to see beyond broken bones, torn flesh, and busted organs; the patients bring not only medical challenges but also natural expectations to be cared for with respect, equality, and quality from the healthcare deliverers.

According to Edwards Deming, known as the father of quality evolution, good quality is a predictable degree of uniformity and dependability with a quality standard suited to the customer. Likewise, quality assurance is a process of identifying, planning, assessing and monitoring, and continuously improving to achieve the desired outcomes. The purpose is to do the right things right the first time, because poor quality is costly in the long run.

NCL perceptively identified the need to address the topic of healthcare quality assurance with respect to the UN SDGs 3, 4, and 17. It thought-out an ingenious workshop on ‘Healthcare Quality Assurance’ on 17th June 2022 facilitated by Manager Quality Assurance, NUMS Ms. Sumiya Nauman (CSSGB, CPHQ, and the focal person for NUMS’ Impact Rankings by THE). The workshop was readily attended by AFIP representatives, university faculty members, and administrative staff at the NUMS PWD Campus.

The resource person brought to light that prosperous organizations do not become successful by luck or chance. Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, and skillful execution. She methodically explained how to use Deming’s 14 points to sustain and improve overall quality by giving daily life examples.

Ms. Sumiya shed ample light on the three aspects of quality – namely measureable quality, prospective quality, and appreciative quality – by dishing out relevant healthcare examples. She italicized the importance of quality management principles, explicitly pinpointing leadership commitment as the key due to its trickledown effect. She also described the SPO Paradigm i.e., Structure + Process = Outcome.

Based on the fact that quality is everybody’s job, the resource person revealed that Quality Assurance Department has evolved to be a Quality Resource Center. The approach is to facilitate performance improvement and provide technical assistance to performance improvement teams. She then tapped on the concept of KAIZEN and illuminated the importance of continuous quality improvement.

Ms. Sumiya had a firm grip on her audience and engaged the participants not only by conceptual activity but by encouraging them to take the ‘human factor’ into account while attempting it. She induced the acknowledgment of emotions and sensitivity in the participants which reflected on her effectiveness as a ‘quality’ healthcare quality expert.

The well-read facilitator related NUMS vision and quality policy with the importance of good health and wellbeing, quality education, and the challenge of cross-sectional linkages. The event concluded with a certificate distribution ceremony by the Chief Guest, Director HR (NUMS) Brig Muhammad Asif Chattha (Retd) and Director QA/Head of NCL (NUMS) Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail (Retd).

This workshop by NCL is undertaken in reference to SDG 3 (Good Health and Wellbeing), SDG 4 (Quality Education), and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).