Planet Earth has been a provider for habitants since its creation. Unfortunately, detrimental practices of human beings have damaged the planet and its atmosphere in all ways. We need to take initiatives for protection and conservation of the atmosphere. NUMS emphasizes the importance of environmentally friendly activities being carried out either inside or outside the campus. NUMS Environment committee is actively working for the improvement of solid waste management in the campus. Under the Prime Minister’s youth program, HEC Led initiative of GYM clubs across country, NUMS has its Green Youth Movement club functioning to its fullest potential. The student body of the GYM Club consisting of Captain, Vice-Captain, two thematic leads and a communication lead make it sure that the management of solid waste is done appropriately in the campus. Moreover, they often carry out awareness programs for the upcoming student batches and encourage them to take part in the activities carried out by the NUMS Gym club. In this regard, NUMS GYM Club concluded its first Tree Plantation drive successfully at Naval Anchorage Islamabad. Under the kind guidance and leadership of Professor Dr. Azam Chaudhary, Dean faculty of SSH and focal person NUMS GYM Club, member Oversight committee and lecturer Department of Psychology Mr. Umar Fayyaz led the team of faculty and students from various departments for this noble cause. Tree Plantation Team included faculty members Dr. Aman Karim, Associate professor from Department of Biological Sciences and Ms. Misbah Obaid, Lecturer, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Members of management staff included Mr. Salman Haider and Mr. Mujhtaba who facilitated during the event while all the administrative tasks at the back end were managed by Mr. Haseeb Baig who played a pivotal role in execution of the task. All the students from Department of Psychology, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Department of Biological Sciences, Department of Public Health and Department of Nutrition and Diatec’s participated enthusiastically for the tree plantation activity. On Oct 28, 2022, more than 40 students from all departments participated and over 300 trees were planted across three different venues in Naval Anchorage, Islamabad. Besides plantation, awareness campaign was also run to make residents aware regarding caring behavior towards trees and cleanliness of environment.

The administration officer of Naval Anchorage Lieutenant Commander Mohsin joined the team to endorse this activity planned and conducted by NUMS GYM club and eagerly extended his interest and collaboration for the future projects.