Green Youth Movement (GYM) Initiation Ceremony

Under the umbrella of Kamyab Jawan Programme, Green Youth Movement (GYM) Club was established as an HEC-led directive as a step to fulfil the Prime Minister’s vision of clean and green Pakistan entrusted to Ministry of Climate Change.

The main goal of GYM club is to engage the youth in schools, colleges, and universities to promote eco-friendly culture across the country.

Environment Committee and GYM Club through their initiatives, are contributing directly towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 2, 12, 13, 14, 15).

NUMS-Environment committee organized the pledge ceremony for Green Youth Movement on December 14, 2021, to increase awareness of environment sustainability among youth. The event was attended by the honorable Pro-Vice Chancellor NUMS Major General Syed Ammar Raza, Dean Multidisciplinary Sciences Dr. Aisha Mohyuddin, Heads of NUMS departments, Directors, faculty members and staff.

The event opened with the national anthem of Pakistan followed by recitation of Holy Quran by Amina Mehmood (student, DBS). The moderators of the event Momina and Haseeb (students, DSBS & DBS) welcomed the guests to the event. Dr. Adeela Bashir, Assistant Professor NDHPE, presented the concept of Zero Waste. She elaborated the objectives of the Environment Committee and the milestones achieved by the NUMS team.

Dr. Mahwish Ali, NUMS Environmental Scientist, gave a briefing to describe the concept and purpose of Green Youth Movement. Mr. Umer Fayyaz, lecturer NDSBS, then took the pledge from members of GYM club. Pro-Vice Chancellor NUMS Major General Syed Ammar Raza distributed certificates of appreciation to admin staff in recognition of their efforts and gave his concluding remarks on the idea of clean and green Pakistan. The session was concluded with a note of thanks by Dr. Ayesha Rauf, Head of Environment Committee.

The Pledge ceremony was followed by a bake-sale by students of all NUMS departments. Stalls were also set up to display eco-friendly alternatives for awareness and sale. The respectable Vice Chancellor NUMS, Lt. General Syed Muhammad Imran Majeed, Pro VC Major General Ammar and all the guests visited the stalls. Proceeds from the sale would be used for eco-friendly initiatives at NUMS.

The event also raised awareness regarding the two important R’s: Reuse and Reduce, by reusing banners and flyers in the event. Moreover, no disposable items were used in the event to reduce the waste, rather proper crockery was used, and the guests were encouraged to wash their own utensils.