A Four-day orientation session was organized for the first-year students of BS Allied Health Sciences- Batch 2023 enrolled in respective disciplines i.e BS Cardiac Perfusion, BS Medical Lab Technology & BS Medical Imaging Technology on 20th – 24th February 2023 at AFPGMI. Department of NUMS Affairs & Resource Development conducted sessions for students on various topics as the main objective for orientation was to acquaint the students with academic aspects of the courses /program & to familiarize them with the institute code of conduct.


Mr. Muhammad Waqas Ashraf, Manager NUMS Affairs at AFPGMI delivered a comprehensive session on Allied Health Sciences Programme & NUMS Policies and spoke about the rules and regulations of the institute, academic discipline, Joining Instructions & NUMS Policies / SOPs at the Undergraduate level. He also had an exchange of dialogue with students in respect of various co-curricular and extra activities helping the student with their overall development.


Ms. Hina Riaz, Asst Manager NUMS Affairs at AFPGMI conducted an awareness session on “Anti-Gender Harassment at Institutions” in compliance with Higher Education Commission & NUMS Policy on “Protection Against Sexual Harassment in Higher Education Institutions”. The talk was intended to create awareness among students at the primary level casing the Fundamentals of Gender-Based Harassment. Furthermore, she imparted a lecture on “Quality Assurance Processes” & elaborated on the importance of the NUMS Automated Feedback System established by the Department of Quality Assurance at NUMS to ensure the quality and continuous improvement of Academic programs at the institute level.


Ms. Saba Khurshid, Research Officer AFPGMI conducted an Introductory Session on Research Methodology & gave primary information about the research of the BS (AHS) program designed in the context of University and Institute rules and regulations.