NUMS DHPE Concludes CHPE Spring 2020

NUMS Department of Health Professions Education (NDHPE) team is proud to announce the successful completion of CHPE spring session 2020. The cohort had 257 participants from many cities of Pakistan and 12 tutors from NUMS, its constituent and affiliated institutes. The six-month program started Jan 1, 2020 on NUMS Learning Management System. Participants were divided into 14 Distance Learning Study Groups (DLSGs), each facilitated by their tutor and monitored by the Program Directors. First face to face session comprised of 5-day intensively interactive learning sessions that addressed basic concepts of curriculum, assessment, and evidence-based teaching, grounded in adult learning theories. Eight staggered face to face sessions were conducted at Rawalpindi, Multan, Mardan, Quetta, Karachi, and Lahore. Throughout the duration of the program the participants were being guided facilitated and scored by their tutor and monitored by the NUMS team. In the wake of COVID, online learning continued through NUMS Learning Management System (LMS), however, the second face to face session was a challenge as it needed to be customized to suit virtual learning. NUMS team in collaboration with DT Dte, started virtual face to face sessions of 3-day duration for each participant group, running two parallel groups of 25 participants each week. Difficult concepts of curriculum and assessment were reinforced in this session. The sessions extended over 6 weeks. Feedback was collected at various intervals throughout the program. The end of program exam was conducted virtually on zoom for 256 examinees. Participants were divided into breakout rooms, each of which was monitored by HPE faculty and exam directorate. The third program, CHPE Fall 2020 has been announced and will commence October 2020.