Dr. Shumaila Naz, Assistant Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences, NUMS represented National University of Medical Sciences in 3rd China - Pakistan Technology Transfer Matchmaking Workshop at Kunming, Yunnan, China from 16th to 18th August 2023. The workshop was organized by the Department of International Cooperation of Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, and International Liaison Wing of the Ministry of Science and Technology Pakistan. The Workshop's co-organizers included the China-South Asia Technology Transfer Center (CSTTC) and the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) of Yunnan province, China, and Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR).
The workshop had been organized to collaborate in the fields of science, technology, and innovation (STI) and to foster mutual people-to-people exchanges, enhancing innovation capacities, driving economic advancement, and improving the overall welfare of the citizens in both the nations. The workshop centered around the theme of "Linking STI Resources to Drive the High-Quality Advancement of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)," aiming to promote sustainable development. In addition, the event served as a platform to enhance interaction, foster connections, and facilitate the exchange of technology among diverse institutions and businesses from both Pakistan and China.
The event included participants from relevant governmental divisions, science and technology institutions, industries, and academic circles from both China and Pakistan and provided a platform for these participants to introduce themselves, exchange ideas, and identify potential technologies and partners for collaboration with NUMS covering areas such as vaccines development, clinical trials, Artificial Intelligence and medicinal plants and drug delivery among others.