On 2nd June 2022, at NUMS PWD Campus, the event of “NUMS CULTURAL SHOW” was zealously organized in compliance with the HEC letter shared by Registrar NUMS. HEC has recommended arranging programs on “Fostering Safe and Inclusive University Environment” in Higher Education Institutes (HEIs). Therefore, NUMS Department of Psychology became a trailblazer and organized the event under the supervision of Ms. Saira Javed (Lecturer Clinical Psychology, NDP/ Incharge Psychologist, N-TRC) and Mr. Muhammad Umar Fayaz (Lecturer, NDP).

Chief Guest for the event was Brig (Retd) Shazia Sarwar Alvi (Director NAVTEC). Also, Prof. Dr. Azam Chaudhry, Dean Faculty of SSH, was the guest of honour for the event in question. Directors and Heads of the departments also graced the occasion with their presence alongside faculty members and students from different departments. Students from diverse departments of NUMS brought the cultural show to life with their magnificent performances in front of a highly appreciative audience.

The event started with the recitation of Holy Quran and National Anthem. After getting approval from Dean (Faculty of SSH) and HoD (Department of Psychology) the event finally kick started with ‘Mushaira’, where students from different departments of NUMS participated with their cultural poetry which was thoroughly enjoyed by audience. The poetry was rich in cultural, and it encouraged the audience to give the participants a standing ovation. The content of poetry reflected traditions from all cultures of Pakistan and was quite a fruitful experience.

After poetry, students crooned cultural songs one by one and received round of applause from the enchanted audience. Afterwards, the students walked the ramp representing the culture in a unique way. Participating students were beautifully dressed in different cultural attires, and it made the crowd rejoice. Last but not the least, the male students of psychology, social and behavioural sciences along with biological sciences performed an enjoyable cultural dance. The dance left the audience in awe of the synchronized movements of participants.

Finally, the worthy chief guest Brig (R) Shazia Sarwar Alvi (Director, NAVTEC) was invited to share her views regarding the cultural event. She was impressed by the performances of all the participants and emphasized upon the significance of such events. She highlighted that such cultural shows bring in the spirit of nationalism in students and should be promoted more often at university level.

Dean, Faculty of SSH, praised the students for their efforts, and the related team that helped students throughout their preparations from rehearsals to execution of the event. Professor Dr. Azam Chaudhry, sharing his thoughts on the event, highlighted the importance of culture in the new generation and was of the view that preserving our cultural values and rituals should be a matter of pride for the cultural enrichment, and thus  it should be passed on to the next generations for our stronger roots. In the end, Professor Dr. Shazia Khalid, HoD NUMS Department of Psychology, acknowledged all the participants for their sincere efforts and thanked all the Heads, Directors, staff and students for making the cultural show a massive success.

This event was held in compliance to SDG 3 “Good Health and Wellbeing”, SDG 4 “Quality Education” and SDG 5 “Gender Equality”