NUMS Department of Public Health (NDPH) arranged orientation session for Bachelor of Science in Public Health (BSPH) program to welcome fourth batch of students, on February 20th, 2023. This year, an overwhelming response was observed for the program, which is evidence of our faculty hard work, commitment and dedication. With this program, Department of Public Health aims to create a health workforce, capable to generate health awareness and health promotion among the community by adopting an innovative and community- based learning approach.


The session was organized to provide a brief introduction of the University and the Department of Public Health. The session was attended by the students and the faculty members of Department of Public Health including Head of Department Professor Dr Uzma Hassan, Associate Professor Dr Tamkeen Jaffry, Assistant Professor Dr Hina Shan, Assistant Professor Dr Raima Asif and Lecturer Ms Rubab Zulfiqar.


Prof. Dr. Aisha Mohyuddin, Dean Faculty of Multidisciplinary Studies, NUMS graced the occasion by her presence. She appreciated the efforts of DPH team, underscored the role of NUMS DPH faculty in imparting quality education, and wished a promising career in public health research and development.


Dr Raima Asif Assistant Professor Public Health moderated the session by introducing the students with the mission of NUMS followed by a welcome note from Professor Dr. Uzma Hassan Head of Department Public Health. She congratulated the students on their selection, highlighted the tremendous progress NUMS has made during the past five years and reiterated NUMS pledge to follows the spirit of scientific inquiry with the best of education and skill base training. She stressed the importance of public health in the development of a strong and resilient health system, underscored the role of faculty in imparting quality education, and wished them, a promising career in Public Health research and development.


The DPH faculty gave their brief introduction. Dr.Tamkeen Jaffry, Associate Professor Public Health briefed the students regarding academic and assessment policy of the program. The students of Batch II made short video highlighting the events, campaigns and overall outline of the BSPH program of NUMS. Testimonials representing students of all of the three batches of BSPH were also displayed during the ceremony. A little icebreaker activity to enlighten and entertain the students was presented by students of Batch I.


The students of new batch introduced themselves to the faculty members and to each other, briefly highlighting their interests in Public Health and reasons of joining NUMS. Students were provided the opportunity to ask questions from the HoD Public Health and faculty related to program and career perspective.


Ms. Aqsa Arshad, Directorate of Digital Technologies, conducted a training session on the Learning Management System at Moodle. The Chair concluded the session with a note of thanks to the students, faculty members and the concerned staff. The students were provided refreshments followed by a tour of academic block by the senior batch BSPH focal persons.


 The academic session has been formally commenced from February 21st, 2023.