Life is like a field without boundaries. It’s deeper than the depths of an ocean; it’s a journey beyond imaginations. It’s simple yet complicated; it’s obvious yet a mystery. There are things which are visible to a blind eye, and things which are too shallow and petite to be considered. Yet there are things like faith in one’s God, love of one’s mother, passion to do something good for others, an inner drive to deceive, and strife for one’s soul which can never be captured in the wide continuum of time.

Time is something which seems beyond management and control. In fact, time is life and vice versa. The compassion of human beings is limitless; their future is free, as they are created by the mighty Almighty who has restored unfound treasures for them; treasures of which they are unaware of and experiences which they can never count.

NCL acknowledged the necessity to organize a workshop on the Philosophy Behind Time Management with regard to UN SDGs 4 and 8. It conducted a planned one-day workshop on the concept of time management on 21st October 2022, under the facilitation of Dr. Amjad Sohail (Assistant Professor – Philosophy, NDSBS). The workshop was attended by university faculty members and administrative staff at the NUMS PWD Campus.

The experienced resource person elucidated that time is a relative course of duration for all human beings, whereas time management means to manage a non-spatial continuum that is measured in terms of events which succeed one another from past through present to future.

Dr. Amjad engaged his audience with pleasant interactive discussions throughout the session to help them put two and two together about the unfathomable concept of time management. He also described the contributing factors of perception, memory, testimony, and reasoning that play a crucial role behind the thought process, and eventually helps in the decision making of an individual.

The philosophical training session came to an end with distribution of certificates by Consultant Quality Assurance / Head of NCL&RD Directorate (NUMS) Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail, SI (M), (Retd).

This workshop by NCL was undertaken in reference to SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth).