NUMS conducted its 1st Internal Audit as per ISO 9001:2015 Standard

NUMS Quality Assurance Directorate conducted NUMS 1st Internal Audit as per the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System standard for its administrative directorates. A 4-day audit plan was shared with all directorates prior the conduct of the audit so that all directorates can prepare themselves according to the standard requirements. Total 18 directorates were audited by the 3 Teams comprising of senior members as Team Leads, Co-auditors and observers.  The role of observers in each team was to observe the whole process and learn from the activity for their future engagement in audit activities. The audit was carried out against the ISO 9001:2015 approved Checklists for the purpose as per already shared audit plan.

All the directorates extended their cooperation towards the smooth conduct of the whole activity. The auditors shared and discussed their observations during the audit and identified areas for improvement. The auditees shared their willingness to improve and update their documentation according to the recommendations that will ultimately help NUMS to get ISO 9001:2015 certification. The report of the whole audit activity will be shared with the directorates after due processing.