High quality education is the recognition of National University of Medical Sciences, which has been achieved over time with constant efforts. Following NUMS motto of “understanding and improving life”, the Department of Nutrition & Dietetics (NDND) has always stepped forward to strengthen its bonds and collaborations with different organizations for upgradation purpose and to excel in research.


The National Agriculture Education Accreditation Council (NAEAC) was established by the Higher Education Commission, Govt. of Pakistan in 2008 to implement a comprehensive program of accreditation of agriculture and allied education degree programs based on policies, procedures, and criteria set up by HEC to assure high quality and standards of education. This council publishes a list of ranking of agriculture and allied qualifications/programs and provide guidance for the improvement of the existing educational programs. Realizing the benefits and needs of accreditation, NDND has taken a step forward to get itself accredited with this council. For this purpose, a Quality Assurance & Accreditation Awareness Seminar was conducted at NUMS on Thursday, May 4, 2023.


Dr. Abdul Momin, A/HoD NDND welcomed Dr. Abdul Ghaffar, Secretary NAEAC, Mr. Abdullah, Program Coordinator NAEAC and other dignified guests. The awareness seminar was started with the recitation of the Holy Quran, after which a brief introduction of the university and department was given by the HoD. Dr. Abdul Ghaffar delivered the presentation on the importance and need for quality assurance and accreditation of various educational programs. He emphasized on the fine connection between the fields of agriculture and nutrition. He also described in detail about the internal and external evaluation criterion emphasizing on four major areas, that is, strength & quality of faculty, curriculum design & development, infrastructure & learning resources, and students support & progression.


The presentation was followed by a very informative Q & A session. The future aspects of the degree accreditation process were further discussed in the Q & A session. All six faculty members and more than eighty students of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics attended this session. The Dean, Faculty of Multidisciplinary Studies, Prof. Dr. Aisha Mohyuddin also graced the seminar with her presence. Representatives from the Quality Assurance Directorate and Library from NUMS were also present during the session. In the concluding remarks, Dr. Umar Farooq, Associate Professor, NDND extended the vote of thanks to the delegates from the NAEAC. Tea/refreshments were served at the end of the seminar.


The Quality Assurance and Accreditation Awareness Seminar held by NAEAC was in line with the SDG 4, that is, Quality Education.