We are proud to announce the launch of Zero Waste Alliance Pakistan (ZWAP), a pioneering initiative led by a consortium of leading universities in Pakistan. This collective pursuit of sustainability brings together eight prominent higher education institutions (HEIs) representing all regions of Pakistan. Hosted by the National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) on June 11, 2024, this event coincided with World Environment Day, 2024. The leadership of all collaborating HEIs played a crucial role in establishing ZWAP. Notably, these institutions include:

  1. Aga Khan University (AKU), Karachi (Sindh)
  2. Ayub Medical College (AMC), Abbottabad (KPK)
  3. Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering, and Management Sciences (BUITEMS), Quetta (Balochistan)
  4. Karakoram International University (KIU), Gilgit (Gilgit Baltistan)
  5. Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Lahore (Punjab)
  6. Mirpur University of Science and Technology (MUST), Mirpur (AJ&K)
  7. National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad (Federal)

Waleed Sheikh and Hamna Asif, students from NUMS, moderated the event, highlighting youth involvement in this initiative. The event began with a recitation from the Holy Quran and the national anthem. Prof. Dr. Ayesha Rauf, Patron NESC, gave opening remarks, followed by a message from NUMS Vice Chancellor Lt Gen Wasim Alamgir (Retd), read by Prof. Dr. Aisha Mohyuddin, Dean of Multidisciplinary Studies. Dr. Zeynep Celikel, a Zero Waste Advocate and Advisor to the President of the UN 77th General Assembly, offered appreciation and best wishes. The event also included a video message from Richard Anthony, President of the Zero Waste International Alliance, welcoming Pakistan to the international zero waste community.

Dr. Aman Karim, focal person of ZWAP from NUMS, introduced speakers from collaborating universities who shared their campus waste reduction strategies, conveyed leadership messages, and expressed commitment to the shared objective. These representatives included Ms. Miriam Kugele (AKU), Dr. Omair Jadoon (AMC), Dr. Beenish Sultan and Dr. Anila Zafar (BUITEMS), Ms. Ayerah Asim (LUMS), Dr. Shaukat Ali (KIU), Dr. Mohsin Zafar (MUST), and Dr. Zeshan Shiekh and Mr. Asghar Naqvi (NUST). The virtual launch of the Zero Waste Alliance Pakistan (ZWAP) highlighted a significant collaborative effort to promote sustainable waste management in Pakistan. Following the university messages, a student-compiled video showcased contributions from the student body. The event concluded with a note of thanks from Dr. Rabail Zehra Raza, NESC coordinator, expressing gratitude to all founding members and their leadership for their support.

The ZWAP inaugural event was a combined effort by NUMS Environmental Stewardship Committee (NESC), NUMS GYM Club, and NUMS Art and Media Society (NAMS).  

The official announcement of ZWAP's launch signifies the beginning of a collaborative endeavor aimed at mobilizing academia and the wider community to fulfill their social responsibility toward minimizing waste and fostering a cleaner, greener Pakistan.