NUMS as a Higher Educational Institution (HEI) is an equal opportunity provider. Therefore, it has ‘Zero Tolerance’ for any gender harassment issues/ behaviors at workplace. In compliance with the HEC and Federal/ Provincial Ombudsperson requirements, NUMS has established a formal Anti-Gender Harassment Cell and Standing Committee and designated a Harassment Monitoring Officer (HMO). The cell is supposed to spread awareness and deliver trainings to its employees, faculty and students, redress grievances regarding workplace gender harassment and implementation of Anti-Sexual Harassment Legislation after approval from the competent authority.
In continuation to the above, NUMS QAD organized an Awareness Session on ‘Creating a Dignified Learning Environment’ for its Bachelor Program Students & Faculty on October 09, 2019 at NUMS Secretariat. The talk aimed at creating awareness among students & faculty members on ‘How to create a learning conducive environment by respecting each other’s personal space. The session was chaired by the Provost Quality Assurance. Dr. Erum Monis, Harassment Monitoring Officer (HMO), NUMS was the resource person.
Knowledge on the topic was imparted through a presentation along with an interactive session, engaging students and faculty to share their existing knowledge and experience on the sensitive topic. It was highlighted that HEC’s Anti Gender Harassment Policy is being complied with in letter and spirit at NUMS and formal mechanisms have been established to address any complaints with full confidentiality and responsibility.
A live bursting interaction session stood very much effective where it had reflected a quality impact by involving all the audience, their engagement with presenter and overall learning was highly forthcoming.
Provost QA & RD in his concluding remarks said that an effective weapon against sexual harassment is prevention. Harassment does not disappear on its own.In fact, it is more likely that when the problem is not addressed, it can worsen, therefore, students and faculty can play their role in reporting cases to relevant designated responsible personnel and help NUMS create and maintain a ‘Dignified Learning Environment’ for all. He also emphasized to avoid any false/ unfound accusations; if anybody is falsely suspected for something at workplace then investigators need to proceed with caution.