In a vibrant celebration of Independence Day and to instill a deep sense of national pride, the GYM Club of the National University of Medical Sciences orchestrated a Tree Plantation Drive on August 8th, 2024. The beautiful city of Islamabad was chosen as the prime location for this significant initiative, and under the astute supervision of Dr. Syed Babar Jamal, the focal person of the GYM Club, and Dr. Rabail Zehra Raza, NESC Coordination Lead, a dedicated group of students ensured the event's flawless execution. 


The students actively planted 54 trees, carefully selecting diverse species such as Sukh Chain (Pongamia pinnata), Willow (Salix), and Amaltas (Cassia fistula). The event exemplified the spirit of patriotism and underscored the university's commitment to environmental sustainability, aligning directly with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 13, 15, and 17. The focus on SDG 13 highlighted the urgency of combating climate change through afforestation, as planting trees is a vital measure to absorb carbon dioxide and mitigate its impacts. 


The careful selection of indigenous plant species was a deliberate effort to support SDG 15, aiming to protect and restore terrestrial ecosystems, combat desertification, and preserve biodiversity. Furthermore, the collaboration and collective effort demonstrated during the event resonated with SDG 17, which emphasizes the importance of partnerships in achieving sustainable development, reflecting the GYM Club's commitment to sustainability as directed by the Higher Education Commission (HEC).