The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) of Pakistan Higher Education Commission (HEC) urges all universities to maintain/enhance the quality of teaching and learning to achieve the international compatibility and competitiveness of their academic programs through on-site review/inspection of MS/MPhil/Equivalent & PhD (level 7 & 8) programs.


HEC’s Panel of Experts during its visit to NUMS for Postgraduate (PG) Programs Review (IPGPR) in November 2021 had given an excellent report to all its Programs.


Therefore, this year NUMS conducted its Internal PGPR 2022-23 on Jan 18-20, 2023 for quality assurance purposes. The review panel comprised Prof Dr Amena Rahim, Head of Biochemistry, IIMC, Dept, Riphah International University, Islamabad, Director QA, Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail, SI(M), (Retd), Director Academics, Prof Dr Dilshad Ahmed Khan SI(M), (Retd) and Dr Erum Monis, Deputy Director QA. 


Vice Chancellor NUMS Lt Gen Wasim Alamgir, HI(M) in an opening session welcomed the External Expert and the internal team members where Deputy Director QA gave a presentation on ‘Introduction to NUMS PG Programs’.


During the two-day visit, the Panel undertook a detailed review of three PhD, nine Masters and eleven Master of Philosophy programs. The main focus was assessment of NUMS’ academic policies/procedures, curricula of programs, frequency of the meetings of statutory bodies, compliance to various clauses of the University Act and faculty/students’ dossiers, as per the HEC requirements.


On Day one, the Panel visited the NUMS PWD Campus and reviewed documents of 05 MS Programs being run under Department of Biological Sciences (DBS). It had independent recorded feedback sessions with the HoD DBS, Faculty members/program runners and the PG Students. Later, the panel visited the PG Labs, Library and Girls Hostel.


The IPGPR Panel visited the Army Medical College and had an introductory meeting with the Principal, Maj Gen Prof Farrukh Saeed HI(M). The team led by Head of L-QEC and HoD  Biochemistry Dept, Brig Amir Rasheed, reviewed PG programs being run in AM College, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP), Armed Forces Postgraduate Medical Institute (AFPGMI), Armed Forces Institute of Transfusion(AFIT) and College of Nursing and had an extensive review of documents of faculty and students’ dossiers which was followed by interviews with Faculty and PG students of all constituent institutions.


During an exit meeting the Panel Chairperson briefed NUMS senior management on the salient findings of the review visit which were appreciated. The Panel was assured that its recommendations would be implemented in letter and spirit for further improvement of the NUMS Programs.


A souvenir was presented to the External Expert by the VC NUMS and a group photo taken to mark the closure of the activity.