About Us

Lifelong learning initiatives are a mammoth investment towards developing a cultured society that respects human dignity and human rights. National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) acknowledges lifelong learning as a top priority and key element to achieve educational, research, and healthcare development; since it offers NUMS the opportunity of strengthening a workforce of administrative staff and faculty members to take the university to next level of development and prosperity.

NUMS firmly believes that for increased efficiency and ethical professionalism it is essential that every working individual gets sufficient amount of training in her/his domain as well as in general office management. In view of this, NUMS, since its inception, has been very active in providing its employees Continuing Professional Development (CPD) opportunities including seminars, workshops, and short/long courses.


NUMS Center for Lifelong Learning (NCL) envisages its enterprises keeping in view the vision statement of NUMS. Although NCL is a budding department, established in 2021, it is actively on the lookout for best of initiatives and methodologies to train and develop NUMS workforce in all areas of interest. Moreover, NCL is striving to tailor its trainings/workshops to fit the requirements of United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

NCL is dynamically paving the way towards a mutually respectful and cordial working relationship between all NUMS institutes / departments, thus opening a professional communication channel for working together on new initiatives through impeccable collaborations. The core purpose of NCL is to keep NUMS’ workforce current in their respective working domains. It is also envisioned as one of the top professional training institutes of Pakistan.


NCL’s ultimate ambition is to recognize and explore university personnel’s perspectives and interests; since a little compassionate asking, listening, and reaching out is all that's needed to create a feeling of belonging to university.

In near future, NCL aims to expand its services to local community beyond campus through its outreach program.



Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail, Sitara-e-Imtiaz (Military), (Retd), Consultant Quality Assurance, NUMS