ISO 9001:2015 QMS Training for NUMS Senior Management and Quality Coordinators

The Quality Assurance Directorate conducted its second round of advanced level three-day workshop on January 17-18 and 21, 2019 for Quality Coordinators and Senior Management respectively at the Conference Room at Army Medical College. Brig Shazia Sarwar Alvi, of CMH Peshawar being a certified lead auditor was invited as the resource person for the training.

The ISO 9001:2015 standard highlights two management approaches ‘Risk Based Thinking’ and ‘Process Approach’ (Plan, Do, Check & Act, PDCA cycle). Through practical examples and group activities, defining the’ Organization’s Context’ through NUMS’ vision and formulating Quality Policy based on NUMS mission was practiced. 

Significance of identifying ‘risk, its severity and mitigation’ was emphasized with relevant examples. Requirements for establishing system of documentation as per standard requirement and its usefulness in controlling, improving documentation and record maintenance for information retrieval were elucidated in detail.

Pre-test and post tests revealed marked improvement in the understanding of the standard. Towards the end of the training in which more than 50 participants were trained in a three-day event, the participants  sketched the NUMS QMS and were excited to go back to their teams and start working on the implementation of the system to experience in reality the claims made by the international standard.

The resource person gave an ISO implementation plan; ‘Internal Auditor’s certification training for the nominated Quality Coordinators, ‘Management Review Meetings’ and ‘Internal Audit’ to facilitate successful implementation of QMS, and ISO certification through third party audit could then be conducted.

It was clarified that existing Quality Assurance/QEC Dte. shall act as Quality Cell in NUMS and will initiate the ‘ISO Document I. D’ and act as resting place for all process, policy and procedure documentation from all over NUMS.

In the closing ceremony, the Vice Chancellor NUMS Lt Gen Syed Muhammad Imran Majeed thanked Brig Shazia Sarwar Alvi for taking time out of her busy schedule and conducting such a brilliant learning event!