The phrase “Health is Wealth” was indited by an American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson in 1860. This proverb indicates the quintessence of health for a human being; in doing so, signifying that a life without good health is not worth living. A healthy individual holds the power to achieve everything in life. However, health cannot be amassed but can only be maintained through healthy lifestyle.

Being healthy doesn’t merely mean physical wellbeing and absence of disease or infirmity, but encompasses overall health of a person including mental, social, emotional, and spiritual fitness. A healthy body is the nucleus of happiness and positivity, thus keeping people away from all types of physical diseases and psychological negativity.

NCL/RD Dte envisaged a one-day workshop on Opting Healthy Lifestyle – in line with UN SDG 3 – on 29th July 2022 facilitated by Assistant Professor, NDND Dr. Abdul Momin (PhD Food & Nutrition and Consultant Clinical Dietician). The workshop was fervently attended by AFPGMI representatives, university administrative staff, and faculty members at the NUMS PWD Campus.

The erudite facilitator divided his session into four components of lifestyle management to tackle them one by one for better understanding by the audience. He started with the chunky lifestyle component of ‘diet’. Food is a source of pleasure worldwide; as a result, in Pakistan it is quite difficult to keep one’s diet in check where sport events and cinemas are scarce, and dine out is considered a family outing by majority of the population. He also discussed the misconception related to fat consumption; clearing up that fat alone does not deserve all the hate it receives from health champions.

Dr. Abdul Momin argued that 50% of women in Pakistan suffer from iron deficiency that stems from mindless dietary choices. While meat is a chief source of protein, milk is a prime source of calcium, and both cannot be used interchangeably. He discouraged his audience from trying out ‘Keto diet’, which was originally meant for epilepsy patients to reduce frequency of seizures. Also, he underlined the poor nutritional value that junk food offers; busting a number of dietary myths related to carbohydrates, butter, and eggs. He spelled out the truth of multi-trillion dollar weight loss industry and how people fall prey to their false claims.

Later on, the resource person shared the significance of the other three components of lifestyle management i.e., physical activity, sleep, and stress – thereby zeroing in on how all three of them are interconnected and collectively influence the overall health. He explained how physical activity positively affects the quality of sleep, which in turn lowers the stress levels of an individual.

Dr. Abdul Momin gripped his audience with his vast practical approach. He advocated that variety is the spice of life, while revealing the flip side of living the life of a couch potato. In short, the choice between shedding pounds or tears was skillfully simplified by the scholarly facilitator. The event came to an end with certificate distribution ceremony by the Chief Guest, Director Inspections (NUMS) Brig Akhtar Hussain Bangash, SI (M), (Retd).

This workshop by RD Dte/NCL is undertaken in reference to SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being).