Prime Minister’s National Innovation Award (PMNIA), previously known as Kamyab Jawan Innovation League, is a flagship project that will be executed by Higher Education Commission (HEC). PMNIA will provide an opportunity to the students from all academic backgrounds to collaborate and develop prototypes or demonstrable ideas to bring their passion to life, while gaining perspective of what is needed to bring a concept to market. It will help to create competition for research, design, and innovation in the universities and their affiliated colleges. PMNIA will develop an enjoyment model to become a collaborative platform to enrich innovation for innovators, who will be encouraged to move to the next step to get entrepreneurship prospects.

The national innovation award will incentivize almost 350,000 currently enrolled undergraduates and graduates every year from public and private sector universities and affiliated colleges across Pakistan. The students will compete in a two-staged competition by submitting their innovative ideas to achieve UN SDGs through broadly planned themes including food security, water management, sustainable energy, climate change and environment, IT innovation governance and reforms, sociology and philosophy, and medical and healthcare services.

The PC-1 of PMNIA has the provision of nominating project mentors or supervisors to maximize the participation of the innovators. There is also a provision of remuneration for mentors or supervisors. The main objective behind this initiative is to explore the opportunity of linkages with other departments or industry and government organizations, and mobilize young graduates for entrepreneurial projects.

For introducing the PM’s National Innovation Award to the NUMS faculty members and students to act as Mentors and Team Members, respectively, and to gather novel concepts for idea submission, NCL conducted a series of two sessions on 3rd November & 28th November 2022 under the extraordinary facilitation of Assistant Professor (NDBS) / focal person for NUMS HEC PMNIA Dr. Wasim Sajjad. Both sessions were a huge success and avidly attended by a diverse range of university faculty members and students at the NUMS PWD Campus.

To facilitate effective youth participation for the promotion of national cohesion and inclusion, the deadline of PM’s National Innovation Award was extended to 30th November 2022 for receiving nominations of diverse youth-led groups and organizations. The young innovators and their teams passionately presented the following ground-breaking ideas in the final ‘Idea Presentation Session’ to the facilitator / focal person (NUMS HEC PMNIA) Dr. Wasim Sajjad and University Diversity Officer (NUMS) Ms. Saba Stephen:

  1. Banana Propagation Through Tissue Culture Technology
  2. Juncao Mushroom Farming
  3. Assorted Herbal Teas

NUMS has actively adopted practices and interventions to address historical educational inequity. UDO (NUMS) worked alongside the erudite facilitator to confirm that diversity, equity, and inclusion practices were prioritized and executed, thereby endorsing that there were pathways forward for all people within the university – regardless of gender, religion, race, or disability.

This workshop by NCL was undertaken in relation to SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), SDG 3 (Good Health and Wellbeing), SDG 4 (Quality Education), SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities), SDG 13 (Climate Action), SDG 14 (Life below Water), and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).