NUMS First Management Review Meeting (MRM) Conducted on 4th February, 2020

ISO Quality Management System 9001 2015 certification certifies that a management system or documentation procedure has all the requirements for standardization and quality assurance. NUMS aims to follow international standards; therefore, Quality Assurance Directorate (QAD) has organized multiple trainings of NUMS Directors and Quality Coordinators for this purpose.

The first Management Review Meeting (MRM) was held on February 04, 2020 at NUMS Secretariat chaired by the Vice Chancellor NUMS and attended by Heads of all Directorates and Departments. During the meeting progress on development of minimum documentation as per approved list for individual directorates/ departments and central policies of NUMS was shared by Dir QA. The significance of chalking down smart Objectives/ Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) was highlighted in detail. Which would lead to the allocation of tasks to individual staff members by the relevant Director according to individual potentials.

Opportunities for Improvement/ Lessons learned during data preparation and collection were some of the inputs shared by the participants of the meeting. Some hurdles due to time constraints and workload were pointed out by some participants. Recommendations from all were invited to draft the central policies of Risk Management & Conflict of Interest. A Plan for Quality Audit of Directorates to evaluate preparedness for certification was shared with the participants.

Inputs by all departments were appreciated and those lagging behind in following documentation schedule were requested to expedite the process of minimum documentation and policies/ SOPs writing. Date for next MRM was announced to be after one month after completion of Internal Quality Audit. Director QA thanked the University top management for the support provided in efforts aiming to attain the ISO Certification.