Breast cancer is one of the highly preventable cancers if diagnosed at an early stage. Moreover, the prevalence of breast cancer has been increasing significantly in the recent past, both nationally and internationally. Unfortunately, there is a substantial lack of awareness regarding its risk factors, etiology, prevention and treatment modalities.

According to the recent statistics, 109 women die of breast cancer every single day in Pakistan. Considering the importance of breast cancer, NUMS department of Nutrition and Dietetics celebrated the breast cancer awareness seminar on October 25, 2022. This event was organized in collaboration with NUMS department of Biological Sciences, NUMS department of Psychology and Pink Ribbon, Lahore, which is an organization working for the awareness, prevention and treatment of breast cancer in Pakistan.

For the particular event at NUMS, Prof. Dr. Aisha Mohyuddin, Dean, Faculty of Multidisciplinary Studies was invited as the Chief Guest. Moreover, three experts were also invited from different specialties to talk about breast cancer. Dr. Muhammad Furrukh was the first panelist, who is currently working as an Associate Professor in Clinical Oncology Department at Shifa College of Medicine and Consultant Radiation Oncologist at Shifa International Hospital, Islamabad. He is also the Program Director of Radiation Oncology & Member, Faculty of Radiation Oncology CPSP.

The second panelist was Dr. Seema Ahmed, who is a Senior Consultant Clinical Psychologist at Ali Medical Centre, Islamabad. She is the subject specialist in Trauma and Psychosocial Wellbeing, with special interest in Psycho-oncology, Near Death Experiences and Thanatology (Terminal illness). She is also specialized in Mental Health Ecology, Policy Advocacy, and Gender Based Violence.

The third panelist was Ms. Ayeza Umar, who is working as Consultant Clinical Dietitian and Head of the Clinical Nutrition Department at Quaid-e-Azam International Hospital Islamabad. She is a member of Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics USA & Certified Nutrition Support Clinician from ASPEN with over 13 years of clinical experience.

The event started with the recitation of the Holy Quran followed by a welcome note by the Chief Guest, Prof. Dr. Aisha Mohyuddin. After that, Dr. Asma Saleem Qazi, Assistant Professor, NUMS department of Biological Sciences gave a presentation regarding the basics of breast cancer covering all the aspects from prevention to treatment options. Afterwards, the three panelists delivered their expert talks regarding the breast cancer, followed by a comprehensive panel discussion on various dietary, psychological, preventive and curative aspects of breast cancer. At the end of the panel discussion, the chief guest presented the souvenirs to the panelists and certificates of appreciation to the organizers of the event (Dr. Abdul Momin Rizwan Ahmad, Dr. Sadia Mushtaq, Dr. Asma Saleem Qazi, Dr. Rida Fatima Saeed and Dr. Uzma Azeem Awan). The event concluded with an awareness walk which highlighted the significance of celebrating such events.