NUMS Department of Public Health provides students innovative, experienced based and life changing education. A memorandum was signed between Integrated Health Services (IHS) and Department of Public Health, National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS). A group of twelve students from Public Health Department of NUMS participated in a week-long Certificate Course on school health services, from 19th September 2022 to 23rd September 2022, organized by School Health Department of Integrated Health Services (IHS). The objective of this course was to provide knowledge, develop positive attitudes, and strengthen decision making skills and to equip with the practical on ground orientation and hands-on experience in the community health. The main emphasis was given to health issues aligning with the SDG “Ensure Healthy lives and Promote Well-being for all Ages”. 

The DPH students were encouraged to be a part of this project by the faculty of Public Health. During the course NUMS students were briefed by the Health Manager of IHS about the objectives, survey, data collection and comprehensive report writing. Then students were assigned the tasks to develop questionnaires and community mobilization material such as posters, flash cards etc.  They also prepared communication strategies and conducted small awareness sessions related to physical activities, waste management, and prevention of waterborne diseases. As a part of course requirement, they visited the schools in the near community and conducted the survey encompassing the condition of water, sanitation and hygiene assessment. Additionally, to assess the health status students also performed the nutritional assessment of the school children by measuring height and weight as well as by calculating BMI. Furthermore, the faculty of Public Health gave a lecture on drug abuse to provide awareness regarding the detrimental effects of drugs to the youth. After completing the survey, NUMS student jointly formulated comprehensive group reports and, based thereupon, presented it. It was greatly appreciated by IHS doctors and Public Health Consultants as these were comprehensively covering all aspects of the assigned topics. A certification distribution ceremony was conducted to distribute the certificates and Souvenirs at the completion of their one week course. The course came to an end with well wishes for the future.

Head of the Department Prof. Dr. Uzma Hassan acknowledged the efforts of whole faculty specially the focal person Associate Professor Dr. Tamkeen Jaffry for organizing the whole program. She also appreciated the students for their punctuality, team work and eagerness to learn. She stressed the need that after this fruitful effort, the students of Public Health should utilize their newfound skill set and knowledge to good use and come up with community mobilization projects in the surroundings of NUMS PWD Campus which would not only help improve the community and make it better for those on whom the future of the country depends, but could also be added as a feather to the cap of NUMS’ various achievements.