MSc in Healthcare Administration


Effective management in health care is the key to success for implementing programmes in health sector. The significance of MSc (Healthcare Administration) is much higher in the 21st century compared to the previous years. MSc (Healthcare Administration) will be a two years’ program designed to give in-depth education in managing healthcare problems as well. The instructional and training components will be carried out by the qualified faculty of health management at Armed Forces Post Graduate Medical Institute (AFPGMI) Rawalpindi. The award of the course will require evidence of satisfactory completion of course and research. All students will be assessed during the course and through end semester examinations as per HEC grading system/ policy.

Eligibility Criteria:

Qualification: -

(1)        Sixteen years of education in the relevant field. Must have following qualification:

            (a)        MBBS/ BDS/ Equivalent duly recognized by the concerned regulatory authority

            (b)       Valid registration with PM&DC Pakistan.


(1)        Military Trainees.      

Commissioned Medical Officers (Lt Col/ Col) with not less than 15 years’ service and will be selected by GHQ Military Secretary’s Branch/ GHQ Medical Directorate.

(2)        Civil Trainees.

2 x Vacancies for civilian Medical Graduates with minimum 5-10 years of service, serving in Public sector as nominated by Ministry of NHS, R&C/Respective Provincial Health Departments. 

Commencement of Session


Tentative Date

Admissions Start


Merit List Display


Commencement of Academic Year

1st week of August


Management Sciences

Public Health, Health Policy and Planning

Research and Practicum

Human Resource Management & Leadership

Health Policy, Planning & Promotion

Health Economics and Financial Management

Hospital Management, Planning & Designing

Supply Chain Management

Epidemiology and Occupational Health

Project Management

Quality Assurance in Healthcare

Health System Management

Research Methodology and Biostatistics

Scheme of studies:

To Download Scheme of studies: Click Here

Institutes offering this course:
  • Armed Forces Post Graduate Medical Institute, Rawalpindi