HOD's Message:

NUMS Department of Nutrition and Dietetics is committed to improving human health and wellbeing through a balanced diet, adequate nutrition, and healthy lifestyle. Our team strives to achieve this goal through a wide range of research initiatives focusing on nutritional epidemiology, food technology, nutritional biochemistry, public health, clinical nutrition, and (medical) anthropology of food. The department offers programs that provide a theoretical and practical framework to comprehend the fundamentals of nutrition for a broader implementation of nutritional strategies at a local, national, and global level. We are committed to preparing our graduates for outstanding professional careers, from planning to applying nutritional strategies at the aforementioned levels. The offered degree programs will play a substantial role to develop a thorough understanding of nutritional science's essentials along with practical training concerning the food, health, and agriculture sectors. This in-depth understating will support studying, analyzing, and knowing the factors that influence nutrition at molecular to the monumental level, perinatal to aging, and micro to macro levels. Thus, we invite you to join our team and learn to make this world a better living place.



To follow the NUMS motto of “understanding and improving life,” this department aims to conduct advanced research and produce distinctive knowledge concerning Nutrition & Dietetics from multi-disciplinary and critical standpoints.


NUMS Department of Nutrition & Dietetics is devoted to providing a competitive environment required for learning, research, and innovation. Emphasizing applied and multi-disciplinary research regarding Nutrition & Dietetics and translating critical findings for humanity's benefit, the department strives to educate and develop insights and skills based on  international standards. It specifically aims to unravel and comprehend visible as well as invisible aspects of food and nutrition occurring at various levels.

Program End Objectives:

Providing critical and innovative scientific theories and methods necessary to successfully pursue future careers, the offered program intends to prepare our graduates to:

  1. Comprehend the fundamental theoretical and practical concepts of nutrition and obtain knowledge of nutritional sciences.
  2. Develop the important skills to research, analyze and articulate the scientific questions.
  3. Embrace continuing professional development with analytical thinking and life-long learning in nutritional sciences.
  4. Improve the health and nutritional status of the population required for socio-economic development, nationally and internationally.
  5. Reduce the burden of infectious and non-infectious diseases to overcome human suffering by improving the population's diet.

The Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics currently offers the following academic programs:

  1. BS in Human Nutrition and Dietetics

Future Programs:

The Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics will soon offer the following academic programs:

  1. MS in Human Nutrition and Dietetics

  2. PhD in Human Nutrition and Dietetics

Scope and Job Opportunities/ Future Perspectives:

This BS degree program will enable the students to professionally excel in the field of Nutrition and Dietetics in promoting health through meeting challenging criteria, nationally and globally. Our graduates will be able to demonstrate their expertise in multiple fields, such as:

  1. Clinical dietitians or technical support staff in public and private hospitals.
  2. Community nutritionists dealing with nutrition supplements and nutraceuticals at different national and international organizations.
  3. Nutrition coordinators in government healthcare units at a Tehsil, District, Provincial and National levels
  4. Well-trained researchers in the field of health, nutrition, academia, food and pharmaceutical sectors
  5. Research Assistants/Associates or teachers in public or private educational institutes
  6. Quality control and quality assurance officers in diagnostic and research labs


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