Department of Clinical Psychology

HOD's Message:

The lack of opportunities and awareness regarding mental health is a significant barrier in seeking professional help in developing countries, specifically in Pakistan. Considering an individual's emotional and psychological needs and the challenges an individual experience in reaching out to a mental health professional can be managed with Clinical Psychology training and service availability on campus. For filling this gap, the Department of Clinical Psychology is inculcating essential awareness and working towards eradicating the stigma around mental health.  The Clinical Psychology Department is playing a significant role by providing professional clinical psychology services and to enhance the NUMS's reputation and credibility by providing good ethical and professional practices.

You are encouraged to take advantage of the many opportunities available within the department, such as internships, research projects, and clinical practicum experiences. These opportunities will give you hands-on experience working with patients, conducting research, and contributing to the field. I want to assure you that our department is committed to supporting your academic and professional growth. We are here to provide guidance, resources, and mentorship throughout your journey.


The MS Clinical Psychology program will empower MS scholars to work in parallel with the health professionals to become instrumental in the healing of human suffering and to improve the quality of life of the public which is in line with NUMS mission to provide quality education to their students in the different health and allied health disciplines.


The mission of the Clinical Psychology Program is to develop leaders in the clinical psychology practices, diagnosis, assessment, treatment and research. The basic purpose is to produce individuals to practice clinical psychological skills and to produce community-engaged research that improves the lives of children, adolescents, adults and families. This MS program will strive to develop expertise in their scholars to deal effectively in different challenging situations such as crises management, drug rehabilitation and associated psychological complexities in humans.

Program End Objectives:

The main objective is to facilitate the student to maintain professional identity and practice as clinical psychologists through fundamental knowledge of psychology, commitment to professional ethics, understanding of multiculturalism and diversity, and by participation in lifelong learning.

  • Students will understand the necessity of lifelong learning by participating in activities which promote professional training in diagnosis, assessment, treatment and research.
  • To provide students in depth training under supervised conditions in direct service models of assessment and therapy in order to practice as clinical psychologists.
  • Students will be able to assess the psychological functioning of individuals and to communicate their assessments to others.
  • Students will understand and be able to apply the psychotherapies in a variety of settings.
  • To train students in the scientist-practitioner model who are competent in the evaluation, production and dissemination of research.

The Department of Clinical Psychology currently offering the following academic programs:

  1. MS Clinical Psychology

Future Programs:

The Department of Clinical Psychology plans on offering the following academic programs in the coming years:

  • PhD Clinical Psychology
Clinical Practice Facility:
  • NUMS Psychological Clinic

The NUMS Psychological Clinic (NPC) aspires to provide high-quality psychological assessment and therapeutic and preventive psychological services for NUMS students, faculty/ staff and community with ethical consideration, beside promoting social, emotional, and personal growth, inspiring lifelong learning. It will also assist clients and students in identifying and overcoming these social obstacles. NPC will also have a psychological testing lab to fulfil the undergraduate and postgraduate students' course requirements.

  • Objectives

NPC will strive to achieve following objectives:

  1. To offer a professionally supervised psychological sessions/setting to offer internships to postgraduate students to fulfil their academic requirements.
  2. To create awareness about mental health in NUMS's students, faculty/staff and the community
  3. To provide psychological counseling services to NUMS fraternity and their families as well as to the community.
  4. MOUs will be signed with the psychiatry department of various hospitals within and outside the city to provide psychological services to these hospitals.
Research Facilities:

Our Department of Clinical Psychology is equipped with facilities that can help you take your research to the next level.

Our research facilities include:

  • Psychological Testing Lab equipped with all required Clinical Tests.
  • NUMS Psychological Clinic
  • Credit hour Internship Program at AFIMH
Contact Details:

Department of Clinical Psychology

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 051-5170362


NUMS Psychological Clinic

Days: Monday to Friday

Time: 15:00 hrs – 19:00 hrs

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +92-3476681017


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