events at nums

College of Nursing, Armed Forces Post Graduate Medical Institute (AFPGMI), NUMS Environmental Stewardship Committee (NESC) and NUMS Green Youth Movement (GYM) Club Teams from National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) co-hosted an important Talk Titled “Going Zero Waste- Let’s Act before it’s too late” on 4 April 2024 at Faruki Auditorium,  AFPGMI, Rawalpindi. This event was arranged to observe International Day of Zero Waste at NUMS. 

The talk was moderated by NESC Media Wing team comprising Dr. Rida Fatima Saeed and Dr. Joham Sarfraz Ali, Assistant Professors from Department of Biological Sciences. It started with Talawat followed by national anthem. Dr. Adeela Bashir, lead for Project Zero Waste at NUMS  and an Assistant Professor, Department of Health Professions Education (NDHPE), gave enlightening talk. The talk was attended, amongst others by students and faculty of College of Nursing, senior AFGMI leadership and representative of Director AFNS, Matrons and deputy Matrons of military hospitals and institutes in Rawalpindi. The event witnessed active participation from the participants reflecting their deep interest in environmental stewardship. Speaker highlighted global waste crisis and its implication for Planetary health and Health care professions. She gave an overview of Zero Waste as a potential solution to this crisis. Speaker also highlighted NUMS Zero Waste pledge and encouraged participants to spearhead these efforts in their respective institutions and departments. After this Dr. Naushaba Sadiq, Associate Professor NDHPE and Lead Implementation Wing NESC shared her remarks. At the end, the  Chief guest Brigadier Nafeesa, Director of Training at AFPGMI gave the concluding remarks. She appreciated NUMS initiative and emphasised the importance of adopting Zero Waste practices at individual and collective levels.

Project Zero waste NUMS is a multidisciplinary initiative spearheaded by volunteers comprising students and, academic as well as non-academic staff at NUMS. NUMS GYM Club Team comprising students of different departments of NUMS including AFPGMI also actively participated in arranging this event.

Being the first institution in Pakistan to adopt an official Zero Waste Pledge and a Zero Waste policy, NUMS is committed to fulfil its social and environmental responsibility in this regards. NUMS is first organizational affiliate of Zero Waste International Alliance ZWIA from Pakistan. NUMS Campus has been able to reduce waste by more than 75% on campus as a result of implementing a thorough zero-waste strategy. The NESC and GYM Club have been actively involved in campaigning for increasing awareness within and beyond campus community regarding adopting Zero Waste practices as their collective civic and social responsibility.


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NUMS Green Office extends a Happy New Year to all NUMS community. 

Being the first Zero-Waste university in Pakistan, NUMS Green Office renews its Zero-Waste pledge We begin the Year 2024 with Green Resolution, and pledge again to adopt 5 Rs of Zero-Waste practices and contribute our share to make this earth a better place live.

Reduce; Reuse; Recycle; Rot(Compost); Raise Awareness

We share few ideas with you:

  1. Reduce:
    1. Think about what you’re buying; do you really need it?
    2. Say no to non-essentials
    3. Say no to single use items/disposables
    4. Say no to plastic
    5. Reduce food waste
    6. Reduce water waste
    7. Reduce meat intake
    8. Reduce paper use
  1. Reuse
    1. Be creative- reuse and repurpose as many items as you can
    2. Use ink pen and lead pencils instead of ball pens
    3. Carry reusable cotton cloth bags on shopping
    4. Carry your own reusable water bottle and containers for takeaways.
    5. Buy second hand items and even clothes
    6. Reuse garden waste as animal fodder and as fuel pellets
  1. Recycle
    1. Buy products in glass and metal container instead of plastic

Metal and glass can be recycled infinitely

  1. Recycle paper and cardboards
  1. Rot
    1. Compost food and garden waste
  1. Raise Awareness*
  1. Keep educating yourself. There is a lot that we need to learn.
  2. Be a Zero-Waste advocate and leader at home, University and wider community

Think Green. Go Green. Go Zero-Waste

*Visit Following website to educate yourself more on Zero-waste:

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The International Symposium on Climate Change and Sustainability, hosted by the Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and Information Technology (KFUEIT) in collaboration with the prestigious UI Greenmetric ranking, marked a significant occasion on World Environment Day, June 5, 2023. The hybrid session aimed to explore innovative approaches to address climate change and lay the foundations for a sustainable future.

The symposium, held at Rahim Yar Khan, Pakistan, featured a diverse range of activities and discussions. Notably, the event's focus aligned with the global call for action on environmental issues. The Vice-Chancellor of KFUEIT, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Suleman Tahir, opened the symposium by emphasizing the collective responsibility we bear towards the planet. His remarks set the tone for an event that sought to foster dialogue, collaboration, and knowledge sharing among professionals, academics, policymakers, and advocates dedicated to sustainability.

One of the highlights of the event was the inspiring keynote talks delivered by esteemed thought leaders in sustainability and environmental studies. Dr. Nyoman Suwartha, Vice-Chair of Administration, Research, and Development at UI Greenmetric World University Rankings, shared insights into the importance of global collaboration in addressing climate change. These talks provided a comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities in the realm of sustainability.

The symposium addressed six key themes:

  1. Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies
  2. Renewable Energy and Green Technologies
  3. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their Implementation
  4. Circular Economy and Waste Management
  5. Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Restoration
  6. Climate Policy and Advocacy

Dr. Adeela Bashir, an Assistant Professor at the National University of Medical Sciences, delivered a keynote speech on "Zero waste- Role of Academic institutions." Dr. Bashir, a passionate environmentalist leading coordination and research at NUMS Environmental Stewardship Committee (NESC), shed light on the pressing issue of waste generation globally. She emphasized that adopting zero waste practices at individual and collective levels is a simple yet crucial climate change mitigation measure.

Dr. Adeela shared the experience of implementing a Zero Waste Programme at NUMS, which resulted in a 75% reduction in municipal solid waste within ten months. This success story highlighted the tangible impact of sustainable practices in waste management. She also outlined the challenges faced during implementation, providing valuable insights for others considering similar initiatives.

As the symposium concluded, Dr. Muhammad Bilal Tahir, Director of Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC), expressed gratitude to all speakers for their valuable contributions. He proposed collaborative efforts to use World Environment Day as a catalyst for actionable initiatives, emphasizing the need for ongoing commitment to sustainable practices.

In summary, the International Symposium on Climate Change and Sustainability at KFUEIT served as a platform for insightful discussions, showcasing the importance of global collaboration and individual commitment in addressing the challenges posed by climate change. The event underscored the role of academic institutions in driving positive change for a sustainable future.

Reference: Click Here


NUMS GYM-Club student leaders participated in National Summer School on Climate Change (NSSC) at the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) 10th to the 14th of July, 2023.

The representatives from GYM-Club Hawaid Ahmad Durrani Captain, Waleed Qaisar Sheikh, Vice-Captain, and Aiman Adnan, a member of the GYM-Club Media wing attended the meeting. The event commenced with a welcoming address delivered by Rizwan Riaz, the Pro-Rector of NUST responsible for research innovation and commercialization. During the 5-day program distinguished guest speakers were featured, one for each day, followed by planned activities to engage the participants in discussions and brainstorming sessions to sensitize and mobilize the youth on climate change. The notable guest speakers included Dr. Adil Najam, former Vice-Chancellor of Lahore University of Management Sciences and the current President of the World-wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Ali Hasnain Syed, Director of C3A NUST, and Hania Imran, a young climate activist, among others.

The sessions with these esteemed speakers provided valuable insights and to work collaboratively to make an impact in climate change issues in Pakistan. Additionally, various innovative concepts were introduced, such as Decarbonization, Inclusivity, and Community, to broaden the attendees' understanding of the subject matter. In addition to the knowledge-sharing sessions, opportunities were provided to interact with 20 different university students. This will provide an opportunity to the young amazing minds to form a consortium to work for a better society and preserving the nature.  The discussions held during interactive sessions emphasized the importance of future collaborations among the participants.

The event was organized under the leadership of the NUST Sustainability Office. On the final day commendations were presented to the outstanding participants. The NUMS GYM club captain received the top honor which is appreciable and endorsed the quality of work done by GYM members during the last fiscal year 2021-22 to engage the community and taking actions to make this world a better place to lie in. In the closing session e-certificates were issued to all participants as a token of recognition.


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NUMS GYM-Club student leaders participated in National Summer School on Climate Change (NSSC) at the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) 10th to the 14th of July, 2023.

The representatives from GYM-Club Hawaid Ahmad Durrani Captain, Waleed Qaisar Sheikh, Vice-Captain, and Aiman Adnan, a member of the GYM-Club Media wing attended the meeting. The event commenced with a welcoming address delivered by Rizwan Riaz, the Pro-Rector of NUST responsible for research innovation and commercialization. During the 5-day program distinguished guest speakers were featured, one for each day, followed by planned activities to engage the participants in discussions and brainstorming sessions to sensitize and mobilize the youth on climate change. The notable guest speakers included Dr. Adil Najam, former Vice-Chancellor of Lahore University of Management Sciences and the current President of the World-wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Ali Hasnain Syed, Director of C3A NUST, and Hania Imran, a young climate activist, among others.

The sessions with these esteemed speakers provided valuable insights and to work collaboratively to make an impact in climate change issues in Pakistan. Additionally, various innovative concepts were introduced, such as Decarbonization, Inclusivity, and Community, to broaden the attendees' understanding of the subject matter. In addition to the knowledge-sharing sessions, opportunities were provided to interact with 20 different university students. This will provide an opportunity to the young amazing minds to form a consortium to work for a better society and preserving the nature.  The discussions held during interactive sessions emphasized the importance of future collaborations among the participants.

The event was organized under the leadership of the NUST Sustainability Office. On the final day commendations were presented to the outstanding participants. The NUMS GYM club captain received the top honor which is appreciable and endorsed the quality of work done by GYM members during the last fiscal year 2021-22 to engage the community and taking actions to make this world a better place to lie in. In the closing session e-certificates were issued to all participants as a token of recognition.


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Dr Adeela Bashir, lead coordinator of NUMS Environmental Stewardship Committee (NESC) and Assistant Professor from NUMS department of Health Professions Education was invited by the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) to deliver a talk on ‘Zero Waste Life Style” at their annual internship program 2021 on 15 September 2021. ISPR is a media and public relations (PR) wing of Pakistan Armed Forces and it broadcasts and coordinates military news and information to the country’s media and civil society. ISPR organizes this annual Internship program which provides an inspiring forum for youth. For year 2021, more than 200 students from 41 Universities across Pakistan participated in this sought-after internship programme. During this program, lectures and talks by eminent guest speakers and subject matter experts are planned.

National University of Medical Sciences is the first University in Pakistan that has taken pledge to go zero-waste in fulfillment of its environmental and social accountability. Dr Adeela Bashir, has been actively involved in campaigns for raising civic awareness for environmental issues and climate action over last nine years.  

Participants of the program showed keen interest and students asked a number of questions and at the end of the session. Finally, they joined Dr Adeela in taking a pledge to propagate the cause of adopting Zero waste practices within their institutions and the wider community for cleaner and greener Pakistan and a safer and healthier planet for the generations to come.


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The National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) has taken a pledge to adopt zero waste practices to conserve the environment. Green Youth Movement (GYM) Club is a representative club of NUMS for promotion of raising awareness about climate changes in all members of NUMS community especially students, and society at large. It is an HEC-led initiative as a part of the Prime Minister’s Kamyab Jawan Program. The GYM-Club works in liaison with the NUMS Environment Stewardship Committee (NESC). The students of GYM Club are motivated and enthusiastic for playing a pro-active role in protecting the environment as their social responsibility. GYM Club focusses on two thematic areas: ‘Eco-tourism’ and ‘Liquid and solid waste management’. The students of GYM Club planned a trip to Mushkpuri peak as an eco-tourism activity. This activity also demonstrates the commitment of the NUMS family towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This one-day trip on 4 June 2022 was arranged by the Department of Biological Sciences for the third and fifth semester students, along with the MS pioneer batch students. The total number of people who went on the trip was 65, which included faculty and other staff members along with the students. The smooth conduct of the trip required a reliable administrative support, provided by one of the NUMS societies; NUMS Hiking Society. NUMS Scientific Society convener, Assistant Professor Dr. Saeed Ahmad accompanied the trip and provided detailed guidance regarding the arrangements to make the trip successful and safe.

Before embarking on the journey, attendance was taken and documented at sharp 7:30 am on the said date, and students left at 8:15 am. It was a 3-hour journey by bus. Upon arrival, the students were divided in groups. Each student group was accompanied by faculty members and guards. The hike to the top began at 11:30 am and it took 3.5 hours to reach the top of Mukshpuri hiking trail. The lush green nature and novelty of the experience made the hike exciting and entertaining. The students had a break for tea and refreshment, followed by a photography session. Subsequently, the GYM Club members performed their drive of cleaning and collecting the waste material from Mukshpuri peak under the supervision of Captain Gym-Club, Hawaid Ahmed. This activity was helpful in motivating other tourists for adopting environment friendly practices. Few other groups were also seen who were collecting waste from surrounding areas. The cleaning drive was completed at 4:00 pm, after which the group headed back to the buses. Before departure, the students’ attendance was taken again, and the return journey began.

Dinner was arranged by the faculty in one of the hotels in Murree. The stay there was for an hour and the trip returned to the campus around 9:30 pm. Family members were waiting for the day scholars, and the hostellites were accompanied by guards for their safe return to their hostels.

It was a memorable trip of students with their faculty members. The students were enthusiastic, demonstrated cooperative attitude and maintained a friendly environment during the whole trip. The trip was safe and full of excitement. The students adored the journey with the hope of browsing new places in the future with the spirit of protecting and conserving the environment.