
NUMS Faculty as well as students are involved in a number of research publications and projects addressing pollution, climate change and sustainability.

  1. Effects of wastewater reuse on perceived health risks of farmers in Pakistan: Application of the zero-inflated poison regression model. 

Mehmood, Y., Arshad, M., & Kächele, H. (2022). Effects of wastewater reuse on perceived health risks of farmers in Pakistan: Application of the zero-inflated poisson regression model. Journal of Cleaner Production369, 133430.


  1. Water Contamination, Households’ Risk Perceptions, and Averting Behavior: Evidence from the Nullah Lai, Rawalpindi Pakistan. 

 Mehmood, Y., Qadar, A., & Waheed, A. (2022). Water Contamination, Households’ Risk Perceptions, and Averting Behavior: Evidence from the Nullah Lai, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 00219096221076112.


  1. Occupational hazards, health costs, and pesticide handling practices among vegetable growers in Pakistan. 

Mehmood, Y., Arshad, M., Mahmood, N., Kächele, H., & Kong, R. (2021). Occupational hazards, health costs, and pesticide handling practices among vegetable growers in Pakistan. Environmental Research200, 111340.


  1. Farmers’ perceptions and role of institutional arrangements in climate change adaptation: Insights from rainfed Pakistan.

Mahmood, N., Arshad, M., Mehmood, Y., Shahzad, M. F., & Kächele, H. (2021). Farmers’ perceptions and role of institutional arrangements in climate change adaptation: Insights from rainfed Pakistan. Climate Risk Management32, 100288.


  1. Exploring the Nexus of Water Contamination, Health Hazards and Households' Knowledge: A Pilot Study in Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Mehmood, Y., & Qadar, A. (2021). Exploring the Nexus of Water Contamination, Health Hazards and Households' Knowledge: A Pilot Study in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Life and Science, 2(2), 5-5.


  1. Pesticide residues, health risks, and vegetable farmers’ risk perceptions in Punjab, Pakistan. 

Mehmood, Y., Arshad, M., Kaechele, H., Mahmood, N., & Kong, R. (2021). Pesticide residues, health risks, and vegetable farmers’ risk perceptions in Punjab, Pakistan. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 27(3), 846-864.


  1. Economic impact of climate change on crop farming in Bangladesh: An application of Ricardian method. 

Hossain, M. S., Arshad, M., Qian, L., Zhao, M., Mehmood, Y., & Kächele, H. (2019). Economic impact of climate change on crop farming in Bangladesh: An application of Ricardian method. Ecological Economics164, 106354.


  1. Synergistic Effects of Environmental Factors on the Spread of Corona Virus

Ali, M., Farhat, S. M., Abbasi, S. W., & Ishtiaq, A. (2022). Synergistic Effects of Environmental Factors on the Spread of Corona Virus. In The Science behind the COVID Pandemic and Healthcare Technology Solutions (pp. 677-695). Cham: Springer International Publishing.


  1. Comparative Analysis of Ranunculus muricatus and Typha latifolia as Wetland Plants Applied for Domestic Wastewater Treatment in a Mesocosm Scale Study

Aziz, S., Ali, M., Asghar, S., & Ahmed, S. (2015). Comparative analysis of Ranunculus muricatus and Typha latifolia as wetland plants applied for domestic wastewater treatment in a mesocosm scale study. International Journal of Environmental and Ecological Engineering9(1), 110-118.


  1. Performance Evaluation of a Field-Scale Anaerobic Baffled Reactor as an Economic and Sustainable Solution for Domestic Wastewater Treatment

Saif, Y., Ali, M., Jones, I. M., & Ahmed, S. (2021). Performance evaluation of a field-scale anaerobic baffled reactor as an economic and sustainable solution for domestic wastewater treatment. Sustainability13(18), 10461.


  1. Climate engineering: A strategic approach to combat environmental potential risks associated with Pak-China Economic corridor (CPEC) Development

Ali, M., Sajjad, W., & Haleem, A. (2021). Climate engineering: A strategic approach to combat environmental potential risks associated with Pak-China Economic corridor (CPEC) Development. Reviews on Environmental Health36(1), 143-144.


  1. Concentration of Aluminum in Drinking Water of Pakistan and Its Implications on Human Health

Farhat, S. M., & Ali, M. (2020). Concentration of Aluminum in Drinking Water of Pakistan and Its Implications on Human Health. Life and Science, 1(2), 5-5.


  1. Advances in biodegradation and bioremediation of emerging contaminants in the environment

Ali, J., Ali, M., Khan, I., Khan, A., Rafique, Z., & Waseem, H. (2022). Advances in biodegradation and bioremediation of emerging contaminants in the environment. In Biological Approaches to Controlling Pollutants (pp. 121-138). Wood head Publishing.


  1. Awareness of antimicrobial resistance from one health perspective and its relation to social determinants in residents of Wah

Shan, H., Mashhadi, S. F., & Mahmood, H. (2018). Awareness of antimicrobial resistance from one health perspective and its relation to social determinants in residents of WAH. Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal68(3), 556-64.


  1. Public awareness and understanding about spread of antimicrobial resistance linked with food chain

Shan, H., Maqbool, S., Hassan, U., & Noor, A. Public awareness and understanding about spread of antimicrobial resistance linked with food chain.


  1. Impact of Educational Intervention on The Knowledge of Epidemiology, Prevention and Control of Rabies Among Paramedical Students

Shan, H., Maqbool, S., Jaffry, T. N., Hassan, U., Shan, M., & Gilani, R. (2022). Impact of Educational Intervention on The Knowledge of Epidemiology, Prevention and Control of Rabies Among Paramedical Students, Taxilla. Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal72(1), 264-67.


  1. Assessing rabies knowledge and practice from a one health lens in healthcare professionals in Sargodha district, Pakistan: A zero by 2030 approach

Shan, H., Maqbool, S., Zulfiqar, R., Shan, M., Baber, M., & Jaffry, T. N. (2023). Assessing rabies knowledge and practice from a one health lens in healthcare professionals in Sargodha district, Pakistan: A zero by 2030 approach. Journal of University Medical & Dental College14(1), 549-555.


  1. The Multifaceted Consequences of Climate Change on Human Health

Alamgir, W., & Shan, H. (2023). The Multifaceted Consequences of Climate Change on Human Health. Life and Science4(1), 2-2.


  1. Utopia of social distancing and dystopia of living in slums:  urban poor’s perspectives from the Global South and the Theory of Planned Behavior

Waheed, A., Qadar, A., & Mehmood, Y. (2022). Utopia of social distancing and dystopia of living in slums: urban poor’s perspectives from the global south and the theory of planned behaviour. Local Environment27(9), 1122-1132.


Research Projects
  1. Development of efficient Biological water purification systems for industrial wastewater

Dr. Mahwish Ali won funding on this project under the 2021 call of The technology transfer fund, Higher Education Commission, (HEC-TTSF), Pakistan.


  1. Development of Biologically proficient bioreactor for the treatment of sugar mill wastewater

Dr. Mahwish Ali won funding on the project titled “Development of Biologically proficient bioreactor for the treatment of sugar mill wastewater” from Karandaaz, UKAID, Pakistan.
