Events Organized by QAD

The College of Nursing (CoN), AFPGMI conducted a "Workshop on Quality Assurance Processes" on Thursday, July 11, 2024, inviting Dr Erum Monis, Deputy Director of Quality Assurance Dte NUMS, and her team as resource persons. The workshop aimed to enhance understanding of quality assurance requirements/processes for institution’s Postgraduate programs improvement.

Dr. Erum Monis shared a detailed presentation on following Quality Assurance Processes:

  1. Self-Assessment Report (SAR) Writing; detailing its process, mechanism, and completion methods via student portal, faculty portal, and HoD portal.
  2. Review of Institutional Performance and Enhancement (RIPE), its expectations and outcome indicators
  3. Postgraduate Program Review (PGPR) requirements, and the entire review process of evaluation by External Expert
  4. Process to fill Yearly Progress Report (YPR) and data of respective dept

A hands on training with active participation from attendees, both faculty and students was conducted where participants practiced on their respective portals on their individual’s laptops.

Participants queries were addressed side by side, maintaining engagement and fostering a positive atmosphere. The workshop concluded with participants with a commitment from attendees to integrate quality assurance processes into their practices.

A group photo featuring Chief Nursing Instructor CoN Brig Asma Nazir, participants, and the Quality Assurance NUMS team marked the successful conclusion of the event. E-certificates issued to all the participants of workshop by QA Dte NUMS.

Relevance: SDG 4 ; Quality Education


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Quality Assurance Dte NUMS hosted a crucial orientation session on the Review of Institutional Performance and Enhancement (RIPE) in accordance with the revised HEC quality assurance standards framework. This significant event took place on Monday, May 27, 2024, at NUMS PWD Campus, Islamabad. Dr Muhammad Nauman Habib, PhD - Management, a renowned trainer and Head of the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) of Pak-Austria Fachhochschule: Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology, Haripur, was the esteemed guest speaker. The workshop was attended by nominees from all directorates and academic departments of NUMS, underlining its importance and relevance.

The session commenced with a warm welcome from Consultant Quality Assurance NUMS, Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail, SI (M), (Retd), to the guest speaker and all the participants. The guest speaker, in a highly interactive session, underscored the importance of RIPE, discussed all 16 standards of RIPE, and provided comprehensive understanding and knowledge to the participants, particularly those representing specific standards. The participants' active engagement was evident as they posed queries and sought clarifications throughout the session, making it a truly interactive and engaging activity. The guest speaker also discussed the specific requirements that different departments of NUMS need to fulfill in preparation for the RIPE.

A Q & A session was held at the end of the workshop, further demonstrating the participants' keen interest and active involvement. Their enthusiasm and potential as the primary stakeholders for the RIPE and potential Institutional Performance Report (IPR) Committee members were highly appreciated. The guest speaker commended QA Dte NUMS for inviting such relevant stakeholders to the workshop and assured future support regarding the preparation/conduct of RIPE. Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail, SI (M), (Retd), expressed his gratitude to the guest speaker for sharing his valuable time and expertise with NUMS, and presented him with a certificate of contribution and NUMS crest. Certificates of participation, a testament to the participants' commitment and engagement, were distributed by the guest speaker.


One of HEC’s essential requirements is a systematic evaluation of the Postgraduate academic programs to assure compliance of HEC's minimum criteria for Masters and Doctoral programs (level 7 & 8). It aims to enhance the quality of these programs and make them compatible at national/international levels.

To ensure full compliance to the parameters promulgated by the HEC, Quality Assurance Dte NUMS has conducted Internal Post Graduate Program Review (IPGPR 2023-24), with a panel of experts on 15-17 January 2024. The panel composed of three members from NUMS i.e, Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail, SI(M), (Retd), Consultant QA, Brig Dr Dilshad Ahmed Khan, SI(M), (Retd), Director Academics, Dr Erum Monis Deputy Director QA and one external evaluator, Brig Dr Rizwan Hashim (Retd) Prof & HoD Department of Pathology and Director of Medical Education department Fazaia Medical College Air University Islamabad.

First day on 15 Jan 2024, activity was arranged in Seminar Room Tik Tower PWD Housing Society, Islamabad. All programs, faculty and student files were placed for review by the panel. Files were found complete with required documents. Interaction with PG students, faculty and Deans/HoDs was carried out wherein suggestions and complaints during the sessions were noted for reporting. The Panel encouraged all the participants to share their feedback for betterment of the NUMS programs

On 16 Jan 2024, the second day of the event, the activity initiated from NUMS MH Sectt. In the morning, the panel and QA team had a meeting with Pro VC (Acad), Maj Gen Farrukh Saeed HI(M) (Retd), and shared NUMS’ presentation on IPGPR 2023-24 and held discussion on the NUMS’ salient points of the presentation.

VC NUMS, Lt Gen Wasim Alamgir HI(M) (Retd), honored the panel to have a meeting to discuss the importance and smooth conduct of IPGPR 2023-24. He ensured the panel that the results achieved from this activity will be given due importance for the growth and development of NUMS’ PG Programs. A souvenir was presented to the External Expert by the Vice Chancellor.

After that, the panel and QA team moved to the Army Medical College for next activity. On arrival, the panel was received by Brig Amir Rashid, LQEC Head AM College along with his QA team and other high officials. The panel met with the Principal AM College, Maj Gen Suhail Amin HI (M), in his office.  Then, panel reviewed the files and dossiers of all departments and undertook the interaction sessions with faculty, HoDs and PG students. The points raised by the participants were either clarified by the Panel or noted for the action.

The panel had an exit meeting with the Principal AM College and discussed various observations. The Principal presented the college crests to the external expert and Consultant QA.

On third day of the event, 17 Jan 2024, the panel was engaged in the report writing of IPGPR 2023-24 in Seminar Room PWD Campus. All the observation/suggestions and points requiring actions were compiled and arranged in a form of report.


With the change of senior position holders at the Armed Forces Postgraduate Medical Institute (AFPGMI), Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail SI (M) (Retd), Consultant Quality Assurance and Dr Erum Monis, Dy Director QA were invited by AFPGMI fpr a meeting on Thursday, Oct 19, 2023 to apprise the Commandant AFPGMI Rawalpindi, Maj Gen Prof Muhammad Fayyaz Malik on the Quality Assurance Framework, Policies and related Procedures at NUMS. Deputy Commandant/Chief Instructor Brig Dr Tanvir Ahmed Qureshi and Lt Col Amna Umer also attended the meeting.

After a round of introduction, the worthy Commandant shared his vision of establishing a Quality Assurance Section and embedded in it a Medical Education Department in AFPGMI.

Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail SI (M) (Retd) briefed the General on the HEC’s initiative of the Higher Education Development in Pakistan (HEDP) project and current quality assurance policies, procedures and practices in place at NUMS Institutions in coordination with NUMS QA Dte.

The Commandant appreciated the QA initiatives taken at NUMS Institutions and assured the Consultant QA of his commitment for his cooperation for continuous quality improvements at AFPGMI.


HEC has planned to prepare National Ranking 2023 for Pakistani universities, for which the data for ranking parameters is to be provided by the universities. Quality Assurance Directorate as representative of NUMS has to collect the data from concerned depts/dtes and upload on HEC given portal within the deadline.

In this scenario, QA Dte organized an online meeting with all the relevant depts/dtes heads (stakeholders) on Tuesday, October 24, 2023. Meeting was chaired by Pro VC (Acad) Maj Gen Farrukh Saeed HI (M), (Retd) and participated by relevant Directors, Registrar, Deans and HoDs. The aim of the meeting was to present the summary of the collected data to Pro VC (Acad) for his information and approval.

Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail, SI (M) (Retd), Consultant QA, opened the session with a welcome note to all participants and highlighted about the HEC National Ranking 2023 requirements, i.e., data gathering, submission on HEC portal and deadline. He explained about hurdles and delays coming in gathering the data from different depts/dtes.

Then, Dr Erum Monis, Deputy Director QA shared the data sheets with the participants. She presented all the data collected so far, directly from the official portal of HEC. Pro VC (Acad) had precisely responded to every category with his comments. She requested the Pro VC (Acad) for his support in collecting data from some depts/dtes/institutes who have not provided the data as yet. He showed serious concern about the remaining data and instructed the relevant depts/dtes to cooperate with QA dte and expedite the provision of data, before the deadline.

The participants also shared their feedback and queries in the meeting. At the end, Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail, SI (M) (Retd), thanked all the participants and specially the Pro VC (Acad) for sparing his precious time for chairing the meeting and rendering his support.


  1. A meeting to discuss the provision of data by different departments and directorates of NUMS to QA Dte for initiating the Self-Assessment Report (SAR) writing process was held on 21st September, 2023 at 0900 hours in NUMS Research Facilitation Centre, VC’s Secretariat, Rawalpindi.
  2. The meeting was chaired by the Pro Vice Chancellor (Acad) and attended by the Registrar, Consultant QA, Director Academics, HoD DBS, Deputy Director QA, Deputy Director DT and representatives of Acad (Clinical) Dte, Dean FSSH, Dean MDS, Acad Dte and Registrar’s Office.
  3. The meeting commenced with a welcome address by the Pro VC (Acad). He highlighted the importance of SARs, the HEC’s requirements and maintaining the University's reputation. He also expressed concern about the delay in the SARs writing process due to the late provision of data to QA by some relevant offices.
  4. The Consultant QA then presented a detailed overview of the SARs writing process and the challenges faced by the QA Directorate. He emphasized the need for timely entry of data in CMS by the relevant departments and directorates in order to enable the QA Directorate to meet HEC timelines.
  5. It was amply highlighted that timely completion of SARs is essential for NUMS to get good score for Yearly Progress Reports, ensure adequate funding to NUMS by HEC and maintain good reputation at national and international levels. The cooperation of all stakeholders is required to ensure that the SARs are submitted to HEC on time.
  6. After sufficient deliberations, the following decision were made by the Chair:
  • Assign clear responsibilities with timelines to the designated individuals, departments, and directorates to complete the data entry task in time as per the Annex-A.
  • The relevant depts/dtes should implement a system of regular monitoring and follow-up to ensure that the data entry is completed on time by the responsible individual.
  • QA Dte to provide training to the relevant staff on the SARs writing process and the use of the SAR Portal / CMS, as and when required.
  • QA Dte to develop a schedule for the SARs writing process, taking into account HEC deadlines.
  • DT Dte to take immediate remedial action if an issue about the functioning of CMS is reported by any stake holder.
  • QA Dte be authorized viewing access (without editing rights) to CMS.
  1. It was also decided that the QA Directorate will be working closely with the relevant departments and directorates to provide support and guidance throughout the SARs writing process. The QA Directorate will also be providing regular updates on the progress of the SARs writing process to the Pro VC (Acad) and other senior management officials.
  2. The meeting was concluded with a vote of thanks to the Pro VC (Acad) for chairing the meeting and to all participants for their valuable contributions.


On Wednesday 13th September 2023, a hybrid (online & in person) session on “NUMS CMS Implementation & Assigning SAR on QA Portal” was organized by DT Dte. The session started with welcome remarks by Mr. Khurrum Shehzad, Director DT, followed by presentation of DT team on CMS portal and its implementation. More than 35 participants attended the session including Deans FMDS and FSSH, Director Student Affairs, HoD Biological Sciences, HoD DSBS, HoD Psychology, HoD PH, HoD HND. QA team including Air Cdre (Retd) Muhammad Ismail Consultant QA, Dr. Erum Monis Deputy Director QA, Asif Imran Manager QA and Kamran Arshad Assistant Manager represented their Dte in the session.

Mr Shahzad Asghar Deputy Director DT, explained the usage of CMS (Campus Management System), which include following process:

  1. Uploading student’s data (names and registration numbers) with semester details.
  2. Entering the data of new and already running programs along with faculty at the start of before the beginning of semester.
  3. Assigning the courses to the students.
  4. Assigning the Self-Assessment Reports to the relevant departments.

DT Team also shared the details and access to the different portals and explained that:

  1. Student Portal can be used for the attendance, tentative time table, exam schedule and fee challans etc.
  2. Faculty Portal can be accessed to mark attendance, attendance history, tentative time table, exam schedule and evaluation of exam’s, assignments and quizzes etc.
  3. Dean’s Portal is available with combined tabs of student and faculty, in addition to all the details of faculty members. Dean can drop out students and mark students on CMS after evaluation.

Director DT thanked all the participants for attending the session and expressed the hope that all Dtes/Depts shall collaborate each other for effective implementation and usage of CMS.


 NUMS QA Dte in collaboration with LQEC Army Medical College Rawalpindi, organized an orientation session focusing on Self-Assessment Report (SAR) Writing and Evaluation Process on Tuesday, August 22, 2023. The main objective of this session was to enhance participants' understanding of SAR and its significance in the internal quality assurance (IQA) process. Participants from AM College, AFIP, AFIRI, AFIT, AFIC, College of Nursing (CoN) and AFPGMI attended the session. The honorable Pro Vice Chancellor (Academics) Maj Gen Farrukh Saeed, HI (M) (Retd) graced the session with his presence. 

Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail, SI (M) (Retd), Consultant QA, warmly welcomed all participants and orientated them on significance of IQA, HEC’s requirements and peer evaluation through a comprehensive presentation of ‘How to write SAR. It focused on engaging key students (class representatives) and faculty members to gather feedback on courses and faculty, ensuring timely collection of necessary data. He shared the best practices and practical tips to enhance SAR writing skills with relevant examples, for all eight criteria and 31 standard. Throughout the session, the impact of SAR in assessing the quality and effectiveness of a program was emphasized upon; highlighting its mandatory requirement by HEC (Higher Education Commission), Pakistan.

Dr. Erum Monis, Deputy Director QA gave a presentation on “Online processing and evaluation of SAR”. She discretely defined completion of SAR Cycle and External Expert Evaluation. A lot of stress was given on following the given timelines for submission of data to QA Dte in order to conclude the process within a month’s time. It was also shared that the SAR portals have been made user friendly and have saving options before final document submission. This enables the timely invitation of external evaluators for SAR peer evaluation and for department heads to take corrective actions side by side during the life of their program(s), ensuring continuous academic quality improvement. The following documents were shared with the Program Teams of respective Programs from AM College, AFPGMI, AFIP, AFIC, AFIRI and CoN:

  1. the Consolidated SAR Fall 2022
  2. its Assessment Results
  3. Assessment Result Implementation Plan Summary

Based on the results and reports, Program Heads and PT members were urged to submit the corrective actions taken on the observations/reports of the Implementation Plan Summary for individual programs.

Concluding the session, participants were provided an opportunity to ask questions and clarify any doubts they had. The session saw active participation from the participants sharing their keen interest in the topic.

A group photo of participants, Pro VC (Acad) Maj Gen Farrukh Saeed, HI (M) (Retd) and Principal AM College Rawalpindi Maj Gen Suhail Amin concluded the activity.


On Tuesday, June 6, 2023, an orientation session focusing on Self-Assessment Report (SAR) Writing and Evaluation process took place at NUMS PWD Campus. The main objective of this session was to enhance participants' understanding of SAR and its significance in the internal quality assurance (IQA) process. Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail (Retd), Consultant QA, warmly welcomed all participants and orientated them on significance of IQA, HEC’s requirements and peer evaluation which is the essence of Self-Assessment at university level. The session was thoughtfully structured to cover various aspects of Digital SAR writing and evaluation.

Throughout the session, the impact of SAR in assessing the quality and effectiveness of a program was emphasized upon; highlighting its mandatory requirement by HEC (Higher Education Commission), Pakistan.

Dr. Erum Monis, Deputy Director QA shared the best practices and practical tips to enhance SAR writing skills. These included actively engaging key students (class representatives) and faculty members to gather feedback on courses and faculty, ensuring timely collection of necessary data. A lot of stress was given on following timelines in order to conclude the process within a month’s time. It was also shared that how the SAR portals have been made user friendly and have saving options before final document submission. This enables the timely invitation of external evaluators for SAR peer evaluation and for department heads to take corrective actions side by side during the life of their program(s), ensuring continuous academic quality improvement.

The entire SAR process, from initiation to completion, was thoroughly explained to the participants. Mr. Asif Imran, Manager/Data Analyst engaged the participants with live demonstration of the Self-Assessment Portal according to the role of the stakeholders.


Concluding the session, participants were provided an opportunity to ask questions and clarify any doubts they had. The session saw active participation from the participants sharing their keen interest in the topic.                                                 

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‘Khud Ko Pehchaano’,(Know yourself), is  a youth empowerment initiative of Punjab Population Innovation Fund (PPIF) and Population Welfare Department (PWD) which is  promoting sexual and reproductive health literacy (SRHL) for better health outcomes.

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed vulnerabilities in many countries’ health infrastructure and inequities in access to healthcare around the world, including for SRH. Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is crucial for rebuilding and strengthening national health systems and delivering quality health care to communities, and SRH care is the key to achieving UHC in Pakistan.

A total of twenty master trainers from NUMS who were trained through a formal training session in Oct last year, conducted nine onsite sessions at PWD Campus to further train the students.

Another session was organized at the Farruki Auditorium for around 70 Allied Health Sciences students of Armed Forces Post Graduate Medical Institute (AFPGMI) on January 2, 2023.Dr Erum Monis Deputy Director of Quality Assurance Dte, member Inquiry Committee Protection Against Sexual Harassment at Workplace, at NUMS introduced the students to Sexual and Reproductive Rights and basic definitions that helped them understand the concept.  Emphasizing on the need for awareness on premarital screening and genetic counselling, she said this could prevent and manage medical and other health risk factors known to impact pregnancy outcomes.

Dr Hina Shan, Senior Lecturer Public Health, shed light on the family planning in Pakistan, the latest statistics, knowledge, skills, and beliefs necessary for physical, mental, and social well-being. Sexual and reproductive health awareness is an educational approach relevant to young peoples’ existing sexual and reproductive health needs and concerns. Education about SRH provides information and empowers young adults to protect themselves from sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as syphilis, Hepatitis B & C, and AIDS.

Concluding the session, Dr Erum Monis gave basic information on Gender-Based Violence (GBV) & mitigation strategies. She elucidated how GBV, a phenomenon deeply rooted in gender inequality, continues to be one of the most notable human rights violations within all societies. Both women and men experience gender-based violence, but most victims are women and girls.

Boys and girls eagerly asked questions to further clear their understanding on the real-life related topic.                                                       


NUMS Department of Health Professional Education (NDHPE) organized the orientation week for  students of Master Health Professions Education for its first ever Batch (2023-2025) at PWD Campus where its Quality Assurance Directorate(QAD) conducted different sessions to familiarize the students with the Quality policies, procedure of the university and about its campaign against Sexual Harassment.

Session 1: Quality Assurance Process and Procedure

NUMS QAD is striving hard to develop an effective learning environment by ensuring quality assurance, evaluation and enhancement of programs with regard to teaching, research and management. It organized a session on Quality Assurance Processes and Procedures, at the PWD Campus on Jan 10, 2023 which was attended by Consultant Quality Assurance(CQA) Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail, SI (M), (Retd), HOD NDHPE Dr Ayesha Rauf, thirty students and five faculty members.  Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail in his opening remarks told them about the establishment of QA Dte at NUMS and mandatory requirements to ensure strong quality culture at academic institutions.

Dr. Erum Monis Deputy Director who is also designated as focal person for ant-sexual harassment at NUMS QA, gave a presentation on Self-Assessment, Report Writing in light of HEC SAR Manual. Following was the sequence of presentation:

  • Initiation of Self-Assessment Process
  • Self-Assessment Procedure
  • Program and Assessment Teams
  • Web portals for SAR (Students, Faculty, HOD)

Session 2: Anti sexual harassment Policies and Procedure at NUMS

Harassment at workplace can cause anxiety, stress, fear and even affect mental and physical health of the person experiencing it. Women’s equality and empowerment is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. At NUMS, there is zero tolerance on Sexual harassment.

A session was organized to educate the students regarding the HEC Anti Sexual Harassment (ASH) Policy, the protection against harassment of women at workplace Act of 2010 and NUMS measure in Securing “Dignified Learning Environment”.  In her remarks Dr. Erum said that NUMS is committed to provide stress-free and congenial atmosphere to its employees and there is zero tolerance on sexual harassment. The session was conducted at the NUMS PWD Campus on Jan 11, 2023 and was attended by thirty students and six faculty member.                                                         


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