
We, Quality Assurance directorate at NUMS are the main body, which collaborates with all our stakeholders in constituent/affiliated colleges and specialty institutes to develop and augment the Quality Assurance system at NUMS. Our Directorate aims to work towards developing and ensuring that the quality assurance mechanisms with the goal to live up to the expectations and fulfil the needs of the stakeholders.

We have recently established a Quality Assurance Collaborative, which includes the QA focal persons/representatives from all our constituent/affiliated colleges and institutes. This body works to ensure coordination with and between all our representatives to constantly update and restructure the quality assurance process including the development, implementation, dissemination and continuous assessment of the quality assurance standards.

The functioning of QEC is equally as beneficent to all stakeholders as it is to NUMS as a whole and consequently, QEC hopes that the stakeholders take ownership of the guidelines devised by the directorate and make sure the proposed improvements are implemented in their respective spheres. It is also expected of the stakeholders that once, we provide a set of quality maintenance mechanism, it is sustainable and the quality standards will not fall below the QAD’s established criteria.

  • We strongly believe in a facilitating approach towards all our stakeholders and ensuring transparency in our quality assurance system with the aim of strengthening our relationship with all our stakeholders.
  • We encourage participation of all our stakeholders in the development of quality assurance processes and policies, which caters to the needs and expectations of our stakeholders.
  • We recognise the need of continuous interaction and communication with all our stakeholders with regard to formulation, distribution and adherence to quality assurance mechanism.