Women are the soul of every nation. The shifting paradigm of globalization has resulted in their increased participation in the work force. In global context, they are considered as the indicators of
development and their skills and potentials are highly recognized. Unfortunately, there are few culprits in every society who promote violence against and mistreatment of women and advance
barriers to halt their social as well as economic development. Such violence when touches the boundary of workplace where educated people are employed, raises the brows of intellectualls.
Harassment is one of the serious unreasonable & reprehensible conducts which are routinely practiced at many workplaces. Though this revealing truth is bitter to be absorbed, yet it is the reflection of the current state of working women in the world. NUMS is an equal opportunity provider, hence, it recognizes the need for creating a conducive environment for all genders working and studying here.
In compliance with the HEC Anti Sexual Harassment (ASH) Policy and Act of 2010, NUMS is determined to protect all against any untoward behavior and shows ‘Zero Tolerance’ to sexual harassment at workplace. Following the SoPs of NUMS, orientation sessions are held for all new students in routine. Therefore, when new sessions of BS Psychology and Masters in Biological Sciences joined NUMS, an awareness session was conducted by the Focal Person and Member Standing Inquiry Committee for ASH, Dr Erum Monis, Dy Dir Quality Assurance.
The sessions were conducted on Sep 26 and Nov 02, 2022 and were attended by 76 students and 20 faculty members.
The speaker emphasized on keeping the NUMS learning and working environment at NUMS.
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Self-Assessment is an important tool for academic quality assurance which provides feedback to the faculty and administration for initiating action plans for improvement. NUMS Quality Assurance Directorate arranged an “Interactive session on Self – Assessment Report Writing” for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities on Friday, September 02, 2022. The Session was attended by Dr. Shazia Khalid, HoD Dept of Psychology, Dr. Arif Mahmud, HoD Dept of Social and Behavioral Sciences, faculty members & staff of FSSH. The purpose of the session was to brief the participants regarding SAR Writing, and to address the queries raised by faculty members.
Consultant Quality Assurance, Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail, SI (M), (Retd) delivered a detailed presentation on how and why to write this report as per the HEC’s SAR Manual. Deputy Director Quality Assurance, Dr. Erum Monis further added on to the use of QA Portal for writing this report online. Video Demonstrations available for AT and PT Teams prepared by Data Analyst Mr. Muhammad Waqas to assist in SAR filing were pointed at too.
Following was the sequence of presentation and discussion during the session:
At end of the session queries raised by the participant were answered to the satisfaction of the faculty. Both HODs and faculty members of FSSH thanked the QA team for arranging a very useful interactive session.
As discussed during the Progress Review Meeting on filling Data Collection Sheet for Impact Rankings, 2023 organized by QA Dte on August 5, 2022, chaired by Pro VC (Academics) where the Chair of the meeting directed to hold a separate meeting of all relevant stakeholders to discuss the status of NUMS Collaborations (National and International) including MoUs and DoUs or any other documentary evidence available in order to address the requirements of SDG 17 (Partnership for the Goals) for Impact Rankings, 2023. In this regard, a follow-up meeting on the subject was organized by Quality Assurance Directorate on Monday, August 15, 2022 from 12:00 hrs-13:30hrs at Seminar Room, PWD Campus.
The meeting was chaired by Consultant Quality Assurance, Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail, SI (M), (Retd) and attended by Dean Multidisciplinary Sciences, Dean Social Sciences & Humanities, HODs from Deptt of Psychology, Deptt of Biological Sciences (DBS), Deptt of Social and Behavioral Sciences (DSBS), Asst professor / Coordinator NUMS Environmental Stewardship Committee, Asstt Dir ORIC, Lecturers of Anthropology and Psychology, and Manager QA / Focal Person for Impact Rankings (IR).
Consultant QA briefed the participants that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the individual requirements of SDG 17 (Partnership for the Goals) and SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-Being - target 3.3.1(Collaborations with Health institutions), status of current collaborations (National and International), availability of their documentary / signed evidences, its visibility on NUMS website, collection of SDG data for participation and reporting of the same to the Ministry of Planning Development and Special initiatives by NUMS focal person, status of valid and expired MoUs / DoUs and NUMS collaborations at local, national & global level that are in progress.
During the meeting, the status of activities in line with SDGs, that are in progress and planned were shared by the department heads whereas it was emphasized by the chair regarding the visibility of all relevant content on NUMS website.
At the end, the Consultant QA thanked all the participants for their active participation and sharing the updates on NUMS current collaborations status and way forward to expedite the process.
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In order to discuss the ways for widening the scope of NUMS Website in view of NUMS activities related to UN SDGs, a meeting was held between the representatives of Quality Assurance Directorate and Public Affairs Directorate in the office of Chief of Public Affairs on Thursday, July 28, 2022 at 12:30hrs.
Chief of Public Affairs, Mr Syed Muhammad Imran Gardezi welcomed the participants and initiated the discussion that included;
Director Quality Assurance, Air Cdre, Muhammad Ismail, (Retd), highlighted the need to improve NUMS collaborations at local, national levels as required by SDG 17 (Partnership for the Goals). He also shared that according to the Webometrics criteria, the weightage of website content is evaluated on qualitative and quantitative basis. CPA was keen to have deep insight into the detailed parameters of Webometrics criteria. It was also shared by Dir QA that efforts are in hand for uploading the NUMS Research Publications on NUMS website to comply with the requirements of Impact Rankings (IR) as well as Webometrics. CPA shared a list of proposed NUMS Radio and Web TV Programs to enhance visibility of NUMS where Dir QA suggested having them aligned with the SDGs and their relevancy with the requirements of IR by Manager QA/Focal person for IR, Ms Sumiya Nauman.
The meeting was very productive where both Directorates pledged to join hands to work in collaboration for improving the overall website content by training and development of Focal persons from all directorates. QA Dte will share the website requirements of national and International requirements with PA Dte for their consideration while creating content for NUMS website and other social media forums.
Dir QA thanked all the participants for their valuable contribution in making efforts towards improving the NUMS visibility on digital forums. The meeting ended with mutual thanks by the participants.
To discuss the requirements of Impact Rankings (IR) 2023 and visibility of NUMS sustainability activities related to socio-economic and environmental domains by addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on NUMS website, NUMS Quality Assurance Directorate organized an awareness session cum meeting on Thursday, July 21, 2022. The meeting was chaired by Director Quality Assurance, Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail (Retd) SI (M) where participants from Quality Assurance Dte, NUMS Department of Health Professions Education (NDHPE), NUMS Environmental Stewardship Committee (NESC) and Digital Technology Dte attended the session. The Chair welcomed all the participants and shared the requirements of Times Higher Education (THE) regarding presence of NUMS activities related to SDGs on NUMS website and other social media forums for community/public information.
Manager QA/Focal Person for Impact Rankings (IR), Ms Sumiya Nauman initiated the discussion by sharing the agenda points to discuss the filling of Data Collection Sheet for IR, 2023 relevant to NUMS NESC activities/projects and development, placement and functional hierarchy of SDGs Hub and Environmental Stewardship tabs on NUMS website.
It was also discussed that NUMS departments along with NESC and QA Dte will make a collaborative effort for aligning the activities of NUMS for creating a positive impact on environment by addressing environmental SDGs. NUMS’ ongoing project like Zero Waste for making it more clean and green is creating a tremendous impact in improving the environment within and beyond NUMS in the local vicinity with respect to SDG 12 (Climate Action). NESC has also devised policies/SOPs in line with the environment related issues.
It was also shared by NESC that there are certain collaborations in pipeline with the environment related organizations as per requirements of SDG 17 (Partnership for the Goals) for making NUMS a more impactful and sustainable organization in this regard. The ways forward to strategize the training & development activities under this domain were also discussed in detail.
At the end, Director QA thanked all the participants for their good work and commitment to the clean and green environment within NUMS and beyond.
NUMS Quality Assurance Directorate, organized a seminar on Quality Assurance Processes and Procedures, at the NUMS, PWD Campus on June 28, 2022. Forty-five participant attended the session that included Deans, LQEC Heads, Heads of Academic Departments (HoDs), faculty members constituting the ‘Program Teams’, department managers and representative from NUMS Main Campus and Constituent Institutions.
Dr. Aisha Mohyuddin, Dean Multi-Disciplinary Studies (MDS), Dr. M. Azam Chaudhary, Dean Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FSSH), Brig Nadeem Zafar, HoD Oral Pathology AFIP, Brig Nisar Ahmed, HoD Medical Imaging Technology (MIT), AFIRI, Maj Sadaf Younas and Maj Rehana Yasmin program runners of BS Nursing and Generic respectively, from AFPGMI graced the event by their presence in person. LQEC Heads Maj Gen Irfan Ali Mirza, Brig Amir Rasheed and faculty members from AM College and AFPGMI joined online.
Dr. Erum Monis Deputy Director QA NUMS and Muhammad Waqas Manager (Data Analyst) were the facilitators of the seminar. Director Quality Assurance Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail, SI (M), (Retd), opened the session by welcoming representatives of all NUMS degree programs present at the venue and online. He explained the basic purpose of writing the Program Self-Assessment Report (SAR) and why it has been made a mandatory requirement by HEC for self-correction and continual improvement of the academic programs to ensure academic excellence.
Deputy Director QA NUMS, delivered comprehensive presentation on Self-Assessment Report preparation process and procedure in the light of HEC’s SAR Manual. Common mistakes in preparing of SAR were identified during the discussion. The recent SAR Evaluation Report was shown to the audience. Stress was given to the issues of the Assessment Team activities and the coordination for SAR validation visit of the external evaluator for Rubric Evaluation of the programs and writing of a consolidated Post Evaluation Assessment Results Implementation Plan Summary (IPS) by the Head of the relevant department after mutual consensus with the assessor.
Moreover, the Manager QA (Data Analyst), showed practical demonstration of the working of various sections of the QA SAR Portal. He showed data entry in real-time to help new program runners understand the working better. Participants were encouraged to save the segments of the report they fill at one time and informed that once submitted the report cannot be recalled back (accessed again).
Furthermore, the participants were briefed on certain changes in the process of acquiring NOC for new postgraduate programs from HEC.
During the interactive session, questions, queries and IT issues faced by the end users were discussed for improvement of the portal.
To discuss and strategize the NUMS activities and documentation according to the requirements of UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for Impact Rankings by Times Higher Education (THE), NUMS Quality Assurance Directorate organized an awareness session cum meeting with the Dean, HoDs and faculty members of Department of Multidisciplinary Sciences on Thursday, July 7, 2022. HoDs and key faculty members as representatives of three departments under the MDS umbrella including Department of Biological Sciences (DBS), Department of Public Health (DPH) and Department of Nutrition & Dietetics (NDND), participated in the session with great enthusiasm. The purpose of the session was to mutually understand the targets and indicators of SDGs, aligning the documentation accordingly, provision of the SDGs relevant activities information along with appropriate evidences to NUMS QA Dte for further submission to THE for Impact Rankings 2023.
The awareness session cum meeting was facilitated by Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail, (Retd), Director Quality Assurance, and co-facilitated by Ms Sumiya Nauman, Manager Quality Assurance / focal person for data collection & submission to THE. The already shared Data Collection Sheet with all Departments was well explained by the resource person/s. The deliberation included the requirements of each and every target and indicator of the relevant SDGs, activities/events related to them conducted at NUMS so far, way forward to align the future activities, documentation and weightage of each criterion. All HoDs and faculty members were very eager to participate and improve the NUMS socio-economic impact by inclusivity of NUMS members as well as from the community. The national and International Collaborations of NUMS along with their current status and progress level is also bring into discussion as it is an important area in relevance to the SDG 17 (Partnership for the Goals). It is also emphasized that the NUMS Research Publications be aligned and indicate the relevant SDGs. Also, the training taught at NUMS along with the regular academic courses be in line with the SDGs and address its requirements so that the expected social and economic effect be trickle down at the student level as well.
The meeting ended with a positive note of thanks by Director QA to all the prestigious and very well motivated members of MDS faculty who are also willing to contribute towards sustainability efforts at NUMS and beyond at community level and making NUMS a highly sustainable institute.
To share the results of Impact Rankings (IR) 2022 and discuss the way forward to prepare NUMS for the Impact Rankings 2023, NUMS Quality Assurance Directorate organized a webinar on Data Collection Sheet for Impact Rankings, 2023, held on May 31, 2022. The webinar cum meeting was chaired by NUMS Pro VC (Academics) Maj Gen Saleem Ahmed Khan HI (M), (Retd). A large number of participants attended the session in-person and via online that included the senior faculty members and other representatives from AFIP, AM College & AFPGMI, Dean, HODs & Directors from NUMS Sectt and PWD campus.
Director QA NUMS Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail, SI (M), (Retd), through a very comprehensive presentation shared the results of Impact Rankings 2022 provided by THE to NUMS. The Chair and Maj Gen Irfan Ali Mirza from AFIP appreciated on having the satisfactory results through inaugural participation by NUMS in any International Ranking. Director QA acknowledged the efforts of the directorates and for the submission of the data for IR 2022. As a next step towards IR 2023, Director QA also shared the Times Higher Education (THE) Data Collection methodology, the criteria for ranking, weightage of the criteria and efforts/actions required to achieve the goals. The Chair of the meeting emphasized to have a focused and deliberate effort to understand the requirements of targets/indicators of relevant SDGs and maintain the data accordingly which is the key step for improving and reflecting the social & economic impact made by NUMS.
The meeting ended with the positive note and all NUMS senior fraternity agreed to collaborate and extend their exhaustive commitment to achieve the SDGs of their relevant domains to maximum capacity.
National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) conducted annual Self- Institutional Performance Evaluation (SIPE) on May 16-18, 2022. The self-review process was organized and facilitated by the Quality Assurance Directorate of NUMS.
The prime objective of SIPE was to self-evaluate the performance of the university based on 11 quality standards mentioned in IPE Manual of HEC. The panel comprised of five members, Air Cdre Dr. Riaz Ahmed (Retd) Director Quality Assurance, National University of Sciences and Technology (external expert) and internal members including Brig Dilshad Ahmed Khan, SI (M) (Retd), Director Academics, Prof Dr. Aamir Shahzad, Director Academics (Clinical), Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail, SI (M) (Retd), Director Quality Assurance and Dr Erum Monis Assistant Director QA.
Self-IPE activities commenced with a meeting of panel members with Lt Gen Wasim Alamgir, HI (M), Vice-Chancellor NUMS. University Portfolio Report 2022 was presented to the Vice-Chancellor. Thereafter, the panel members reviewed the compliance reports of previous years and validated current year data from program files, faculty files, and students’ dossiers maintained by Academics Directorates at the NUMS Secretariat.
On the second day, the SIPE panel members held meetings with Deans, Head of Departments, Faculty members and Students separately to take candid feedback on courses taught and other academic activities. To check the facilities available on campus, the panel visited the laboratories, classrooms, library and other departmental set up.
Last day of SIPE was dedicated to the visit to the NUMS Constituent Institutions i.e Army Medical College and Armed Forces Postgraduate Medical Institute (AFPGMI). At both institutions, the panel met with the Heads of Institutions and Heads of Departments, faculty and students. Panel toured around the facilities of the institutions. External member praised the constituent institutions for having state of the art infrastructure and academic facilities available to the students.
On return to NUMS secretariat panel held an exit meeting with the honorable Vice-Chancellor. Air Cdre Dr. Riaz Ahmed (Retd) appreciated the efforts put in for organizing the successful three-day activity. He added that NUMS is playing a leading role in the medical research to uplift the standards of medical education and healthcare facilities in Pakistan. Projects like NUMS Institute of Advance Studies and Research (NIASR) and under planning NUMS medical city are evidence in this regard. He also raised some points for continual quality improvements, keeping into consideration feedback received from various quarters. Lastly Vice-Chancellor NUMS presented the souvenir to the external expert and thanked him for participating in NUMS, SIPE.
The Macjannet Prize was established by the Tallories Network and the MacJannet foundation to recognize exceptional student community engagement at Tallories Network signatory member universities and contribute financially to their ongoing public service efforts.
NUMS Quality Assurance Directorate (QAD) organized an interactive information session on MacJannet Prize at NUMS PWD Campus Seminar Hall (1:00 to 3:00 PM), on May 11, 2022. The session was attended by Dr. Aisha Mohyuddin, Dean Faculty of Multidisciplinary Studies, Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail (Retd), Director Quality Assurance, Dr. Shazia Kahlid HoD Psychology, Dr. Sehar Iqbal HoD Nutrition & Dietetics, Dr. Uzma Hassan, HoD Public Health, faculty members and relevant nominated student leaders of NUMS departments involved in Community Engagement Projects. In addition, a total of over sixty participants from all departments online.
The prime objective of the session was to share information regarding the said Prize with all NUMS Departments and to encourage departments to align their student engagement projects with the International agencies’ style of project writing, emphasizing on achieving UN SDGs. The Session was initiated by the opening remarks of Director QA who spoke about the significance of the prize and briefed the audience about inaugural submission of the ‘NUMS Kindred Kinship (NK2), Kidney Care Program’, by Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities which had been shortlisted in the top ten.
Dr. Erum Monis, Assistant Director QA, then delivered a comprehensive and highly motivational presentation to explain in detail the Prize eligibility, selection criteria, the process of application and success stories of previous winners. She highlighted the significance of achieving the NUMS targeted UN SDGs and encouraged the faculty and students work for the greater good of the society with passion. A detailed Q & A session reflected the interest and enthusiasm of the audience and reiterated their desire to work for the needy of the society under the banner of NUMS.
At National University of Medical Sciences, there is zero-tolerance on Sexual Harassment. NUMS has adopted the revised Higher Education Commission policy on protection against Sexual Harassment (2020) as it extends the protection against harassment to all the members of HEI community. As per the requirements and policies of HEC, there is a need to implement these policies at the university level.
In an effort to raise awareness on how to prevent and stop sexual harassment at work place, NUMS designated focal person, Dr. Erum Monis Assistant Director QA/QEC, imparts trainings to faculty, staff and students of the university. In connection to this, an orientation session on the said policy and NUMS procedures was given to students and faculty members of all departments at PWD Campus by the name; ‘Securing Dignified Learning Environment
at NUMS’.
Session: 1 (February 21, 2022)
A lecture on gender harassment was delivered to the students and faculty members of “Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences” at the Crown Plaza Basement on Feb 21, 2022. The session aimed to accustom all the new students to the values of NUMS in the light of the revised HEC policy. Complete guidance was provided to the students for reporting and proceedings in case they face any kind of sexual harassment-related issue.
This lecture was attended by 62 students and faculty of Dept of Social Sciences of Health and Psychology. The worthy ‘Dean – Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities’ and HoDs were also in attendance.
Session: 2 (February 23, 2022)
The second lecture on gender harassment was delivered at the same venue on Feb 23, 2022. to the new and old batches of students of Department of Public Health (DPH) and Department of Nutrition and Dietetics.
The interactive session was attended by around 50 students and faculty members.
Session: 3 (February 28, 2022) Another Session with the students from the Department of Biological Sciences was held on Feb 28th, 2022 at the basement of the crown complex.
66 students and teachers in total attended the interactive session.