Merit and Admission Criteria

Army Medical College and Dental section Army Medical College imparts medical education to two category of students

NUMS Cadets

Their selection criteria is decided strictly in accordance with PMC rules. A 50 % weightage is given to MD CAT score and the remaining 50 % distributed to FSc and NUMS entry test score.

Military Cadets

They are specially trained to serve medical services of Armed Forces, and therefore they have to be selected and trained to suit the specific requirement of military service. The selection criteria for this category includes MD CAT examination, a special test conducted by Army recruitment centers, a thorough medical examination, physical efficiency test (1 mile run, pullups, pushups, crunches and ditch crossing), intelligence test, psychological test and an interview. Final merit is declared by GHQ. The specificity of each of these assessment steps is advertised in all leading newspapers of the Country.