Certificate in Healthcare Administration


This course has a unique format as it is totally participant centered and aims at imparting basic as well as advanced theoretical and practical knowledge in military management and command based on the desired competencies/learning objectives. The constructive perspective will be utilized throughout and the training program will be competency based. All the learning activities in this program are designed on principles of adult learning.

Eligibility Criteria:

Maj of AMC and ADC of 8 to 12 yrs of svc

Description of Course & Scheme of Study:


12 week

Term I

05 CHs

Term II

04 CHs

Term III

03 CHs

Total Credit Hours

12 CHs


Commencement of Session:


Tentative Date

Session 1

Jan to Mar

Session 2

May to Jul

Session 3

Sep to Nov

Institutes offering this course:
  • Armed Forces Postgraduate Medical Institute (AFPGMI) Rawalpindi