
Postgraduate Program Review (PGPR) is one of the essential components of HEC’s assessment policy of the quality and effectiveness of postgraduate programs offered by higher education institutions. This review process aims to ensure that postgraduate programs meet the required standards of quality and relevance, and that they provide students with a high-quality educational experience.

Deputy Director Quality Assurance (DD-QA) NUMS Dr Erum Monis was invited for graduate program review as an external expert by the Pak-Austria Fachhochschule Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology (PAF-IAST), Haripur, on Tuesday, 30 April, 2024.

Dr Erum Monis was received by Dr Muhammad Nauman Habib, Head of Quality Enhancement Cell, PAF-IAST, along with his team members. An initial meeting with the Rector PAF-IAST, Prof Dr Muhammad Mujahid, Pride of Performance & the founding members of the university took place to understand the vision and mission of the university and its goals.

The PGPR activities started with documentation checking of postgraduate programs. The Expert Panel had interactive sessions with Deans/HoDs, faculty and students of MS and PhD programs. Evaluation carried out with queries from participants which were noted down for compliance and necessary actions.

Expert panel evaluated all the postgraduate programs based on predetermined criteria, which included relevance, quality, resources, and outcomes and gave feedback/suggestions for improvement for enhancing the postgraduate programs.

Rector PAF-IAST presented an honorary shield & certificate of appreciation to the Panel External Expert.  Meeting ended with a group photo. 


The Sindh Higher Education Commission (SHEC) organized the second module of first ever National Certified Reviewers (NCR) Training Workshop for professionals from the Quality Enhancement Cells (QECs) of various universities from across Sindh, Punjab and KPK at the Pearl Continental Hotel from February 26 to 27, 2024.

Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail, SI(M), (Retd) Former Consultant Quality Assurance HEC Pakistan and currently Consultant Quality Assurance NUMS, was invited to the training program as a resource person. Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail deliberated on the ADRI (Approach, Development, Result, and Improvement) and its usage in the context of Quality Assurance.

The training workshop SHEC program had a clear objective: to equip the participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to serve as reviewers for the Institutional Performance Evaluations (IPEs), Postgraduate Program Reviews (PGPRs), Self-Assessment Reports (SARs) Reviews, and any other review carried out by various Accreditation & Regulatory Bodies.

The workshop's closing session, a moment of honor and recognition, was chaired by the esteemed Sindh Higher Education Commission Chairman, Dr S. M. Tariq Rafi, and was also attended by Secretary SHEC, Mr Moinuddin Siddiqui. The Chairman SHEC presented the prestigious SHEC crest and Ajrak to our respected colleague, Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail, in recognition of his invaluable contributions.


Effective workplace policies not only have the key stake in stopping sexual harassment from happening but also in providing effective remedies to a victimized employee. In essence, the workplace sexual harassment needs to be dealt through workplace policies and complaints procedures, as well as the establishment of mutual bargaining and sexual harassment complaints committees. In 2010, Pakistan was the first country in South Asia to make sexual harassment a legally indictable crime.

National Academy of Higher Education (NAHE), HEC, Islamabad conducts training for in service as well as pre service IPFP fellows under the National Faculty Development Program (NFDP). Deputy Director Quality Assurance, NUMS, Dr Erum Monis, a certified trainer on the topic was invited to train the new pre-service and in-service PhD Faculty on different occasions at HEC Islamabad and Lahore Regional Centers. Four trainings have been conducted so far from November 9, - Dec 19, 2023.

These trainings aim to equip the PhD Faculty with explicit understanding of the definitions of Sexual Harassment as detailed in the Pakistani Law of 2010 & HEC Policy for universities. The also helps learners develop systems and policies at their place of work, to create deterrence at organizational level and resilience among the potential victims. The goal being to give conducive environment for working and learning at the universities.

These training sessions target ‘myths’ regarding sexual harassment at workplace and through examples helps participants understand the best way to address and limit such cases that could cause the victim physical and/or psychological harm affecting work or performance.

An analysis conducted through the pre and post tests on baseline knowledge on Anti Sexual Harassment policy and procedure showed an average increase in knowledge of up to 37% in the 4 trainings conducted.

Participants performed role plays to highlight the significance of implementation of such policies in making work environment encouraging and safe for all. This event is related to the SDG 5: Gender Equality.


The Sindh Higher Education Commission (SHEC) organized the National Certified Reviewers (NCR) training workshop for professionals from the Quality Enhancement Cells (QECs) from all universities across Sindh and representatives of regional Higher Education Commissions at the International Centre of Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS), University of Karachi, from December 11-13, 2023.

Program drew the professionals from Sindh, Punjab and KPK, demonstrating Sindh HEC's commitment to fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange on a national scale. Air Cdre (Retd) Muhammad Ismail, SI(M), Former Consultant Quality Assurance HEC Pakistan and Consultant Quality Assurance NUMS was invited in the training program as a resource person along with Dr Muhammad Abdul Wahid Usmani Director QEC Jinnah Sindh Medical University (JSMU), Dr Anca Prisacariu International Expert on Quality Assurance from the University of Bucharest Romania and Imranullah Khan Marwat Director Quality Assurance Higher Education Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Speaking at the closing ceremony, Secretary Sindh HEC, Mr Moinuddin Siddiqui, mentioned the challenges that have been overcome since the establishment of Sindh HEC in 2013 and initiatives undertaken by SHEC in improving the quality of higher education at Sindh and national levels.  Acknowledging the pivotal role of Chairperson Sindh HEC Prof Dr S M Tariq Rafi, Mr Siddiqui expressed his gratitude for his active support in approving projects, training, and other initiatives.

The participants of the training program appreciated the success of Sindh HEC in achieving many milestones and innovative initiatives underway in the domain of Quality Assurance.


On a powerful day, December 5, 2023, the heart of change beat louder than ever at the President's House as FOSPAH orchestrated an event that echoed with purpose—to combat gender-based violence.

With enthusiasm, Ms. Fauzia Viqar lauded FOSPAH's swift delivery of justice to women confronting workplace harassment. In a room pulsating with passion, 500 luminaries, including diplomats, legal mavens, and advocates of societal change, converged, igniting the atmosphere with their collective dedication.

The President of Pakistan stepped onto the podium, illuminating Islam's historical strides towards gender parity. He passionately advocated for harassment-free workplaces, emphasizing women's crucial role in society's progress and condemning outdated social norms while highlighting the media's ability to raise awareness.

Mr. Saleem Ullah, The Deputy Governor of the State Bank of Pakistan, highlighted the potential of women in the economy and SBP's initiatives, like opening 9.3 million accounts for women to provide digital finance training in collaboration with the Benazir Income Support Program.

Dr. Erum Monis, Deputy Director of Quality Assurance at NUMS, reiterated their commitment to a workplace free from sexual harassment at an event. She also networked with civil society representatives and officials from NAHE-HEC, Mehergarh, and the Center for Excellence.

This gathering wasn't just an event; it was a fusion of passion, commitment, and solidarity toward a future where gender-based violence and harassment cease to exist.


The Deputy Director QA, NUMS, Dr Erum Zarief Monis was invited by the QEC Head, RWU,            Mr Baqir Hussnain, to share best practices on Self-Assessment Report Writing, Quality Assurance parameters, Feedback Mechanism and understanding how SARs Work on Tuesday, December 12, 2023.

The audience of the session comprised of the Program Teams, Assessment Teams, faculty and QEC staff.

In a two hours interactive session, establishment of NUMS QEC’s policies and practices were shared with the newly established university participants. The significance of writing a candid SAR and how it helps improve system and program development was highlighted.

The speaker spoke about the current practices, programs accreditation status and development of new programs in the university and enlightened the audience on how to make QA processes part and parcel of the developing departments and programs, making the faculty realize that all QA processes are laid down by HEC for the progress of students and faculty together and that QA only plays its facilitator’s role in meeting standards set by the regulatory bodies nationally and internationally.

She stressed on involvement of students’ feedback in curriculum review and that of graduating students and Alumni in improving quality mechanisms in the university. Deputy Director QEC, AIOU, Humayoun Awan also graced the occasion and took active part in the session.

A shield was presented to the speaker by the university authorities.  Future networking, liaison in facilitating each other in attainment of international ranking was promised by the Rawalpindi Women University, Allama Iqbal Open University and NUMS in future.


Quality Assurance Week 2023, themed "The impact of quality research on National and International Rankings” was organized by the Dadabhoy Institute of Higher Education (DIHE), Karachi. The event was an engaging and enlightening opportunity for professionals and stakeholders involved in quality assurance within the academic and research spheres.

The Rector DIHE, Dr Syed Altaf Hussain and Director QEC DIHE, Dr Fahad Farooq Lasi the opened the QA week on Nov 23, 2023, with the key note speeches from Dr Nadia Tahir, Professor of Economics, Former MD QAA HEC, Dr Sanam Somroo, Director QEC, Dow University of Health Sciences, Dr Erum Monis, Dy Director Quality Assurance NUMS and Mr Alexander Lawson, Associate Professor from Ziauddin University, Karachi.

Research is the bedrock upon which the academic edifice stands, and its impact extends far beyond the confines of the laboratory or the lecture hall. The quality of research conducted by our academic institutions serves as a barometer for their excellence and determines their standing on both national and international platforms. When we talk about university rankings, we are essentially acknowledging the institutions' commitment to producing knowledge that not only adds to the global intellectual discourse but also addresses the challenges faced by our nation.

There is profound influence that quality research exerts on national and international university rankings. The reputation of a university is intricately tied to the caliber of its research output. Esteemed ranking systems such as those by Times Higher Education, QS Ranking, and the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan, meticulously evaluate research excellence, academic reputation, and the impact of scholarly work. Institutions that consistently produce high-quality research inevitably climb the ranks, earning global recognition and respect.

Eye opening stats were shared by the speakers on the research and publications of Pakistani authors. It was reiterated by the speakers that research focusing on local issues alone is the way forward and the first step into facing the challenges in the near future.

A question and answer session took place at the end of the speeches. A vote of thanks to the speakers and souvenir distribution proclaimed the end of first day while opened up the weeklong talks on continuous quality improvement measures in academia and industrial linkages through mutual cooperation and sharing of evidence based good practices among HEIs.


Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail, SI (M) (Retd), Consultant Quality Assurance NUMS, was invited by Baqai Medical University, Karachi, as an ‘External Quality Evaluator’ on May 3-4, 2023, for conducting its annual Self   Institutional Performance Evaluation (IPE). In addition, Mr. Imran Ullah Khan Marwat, Director HED, KPK was also included in the external panel.

The Internal Evaluators included Prof. Dr. Talha M. Siddiqui, Principal, Baqai Dental College, Dr. Zubair Anwer, Deputy Director, BIPS and Mr. Fahad Ahmed, Deputy Director, BIHMS, BMU, while Dr. Saeeda Junaid, Head of QEC, BMU was the Secretary. The BMU’s Quality Assurance Board (UQAB) attended the meeting with External members as per program.

IPE is based on HEC’s prescribed criteria and standards and is a comprehensive review of an institution's academic and administrative performance, aimed at identifying strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

The IPE panel held meetings with the Vice Chancellor, Heads of Departments, and visited various classrooms facilities, labs, library, Hostel and other facilities including the QEC setup. A detailed review of Institutional documents was done and best practices were shared by all reviewers at their respective universities.

During the exit meeting with the Vice Chancellor, the panel, appreciated the positive steps taken by the private university towards ensuring continuous improvement of academic and administrative performance after last SIPE and maintaining high standards of academic quality and research, reflecting the university's commitment to transparency and accountability. The panel appreciated the community service activities of BMU such as, free education for children and health facility for the nearby population.

The SIPE Panel also highlighted minor requirements for continuous quality improvements. An exchange of souvenirs and a group photo marked the formal closure of the activity.


Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail, SI (M) (Retd), Consultant Quality Assurance NUMS, also Consultant Asia Pacific Quality Network (APQN)- APQN Quality Champion and owing to his immense previous experience in Quality Assurance Division HEC, Director NUST QAD was invited by Fatima Jinnah Women University Rawalpindi, as an ‘External Quality Evaluator’ from March 20 to 22, 2023 for conducting its annual Self   Institutional Performance Evaluation (IPE).

Dr. Erum Monis, Deputy Director QA, NUMS accompanied the Consultant for detailed review of Institutional documents and to share best practices at both the universities. IPE is based on HEC’s prescribed criteria and standards and is a comprehensive review of an institution's academic and administrative performance, aimed at identifying strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

IPE panel held meetings with the Vice Chancellor, Heads of Departments, and visited various laboratories and lecture rooms. A new Economics Department was inaugurated and SIPE Panel was invited for that too. A Student and Faculty feedback was conducted and discussions on various programs took place in a cordial and mutually benefitting environment.

Overall, the annual SIPE at Fatima Jinnah Women University was a positive step taken by the university towards ensuring continuous improvement of academic and administrative performance and maintaining high standards of quality in the institution reflecting the university's commitment to transparency and accountability.

In the exit meeting, the VC FJWU, Dr. Saima Hamid, PhD Public Health appreciated the efforts of the SIPE Panel in conducting detailed review of processes and procedures at the university and highlighting minor requirements for further improvements. The VC presented souvenir to the guests and a group photo was taken.


Baqai Medical University Karachi conducted its annual Self- Institutional Performance Evaluation (Self-IPE) based on HEc’s prescribed criteria and standards on June 15-17,2022. The event was facilitated by the QEC head under the leadership of VCs BMU. Air Commodore Muhammad Ismail, SI(M) (Retd), Director QA, NUMS, with his vast experience in this domain, was invited as an external expert to review the university’s institutional performance and progression.

The two day detailed Self-IPE activities at BMU included meeting of SIPE team, VC, Deans, Principals, Directors and other academic and administrative heads followed by the detailed reviewing of university portfolio report, program files, faculty files, and students’ dossiers. The team also visited the library, laboratories and classrooms to evaluate the standards of facilities available on campus for the students.

The CEO Baqai Hospital, VC BMU, QEC Head and faculty, appreciated the efforts of the IPE Team for the extended evaluation and focused suggestions for continual improvements.


The prime objective of Self Institutional Performance Evaluation to self-evaluate the performance of the university based on 11 quality standards mentioned in IPE Manual of HEC.It is an exercise made mandatory by HEC.

National University of Science and Technology (NUST), conducted its annual Self- Institutional Performance Evaluation (SIPE) on April 24-27, 2022 at NUST Head Quarters. Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail, SI (M) (Retd), Director Quality Assurance, NUMS was invited as an External Panel Member for this activity.

The self-review process was organized and facilitated by the Quality Assurance Directorate of NUST, led by Air Cdre Dr. Riaz Ahmed (Retd) Director Quality Assurance, NUST,

A detailed inspection of all requisite documents of University Portfolio Report and university facilities was done by the Internal Team while on the April 27, 2022, Dir QA NUMS was given a detailed tour of the newly constructed ‘National Centre of Excellence for Energy Conservation’. Strategic goals behind USPCAS-E are to evolve into a Centre of Excellence in applied research catering to the energy sector and economy of Pakistan with the aim to establish efficient governance structures, sustainability, value-added curriculum, and capacity building, promote applied research to serve public/private sector and NUST-US students/faculty exchange programs. The core mission of USPCAS-E is to efficiently address and implement the E3 criteria (Energy, Environment, and Economy) for sustainable societal development.


Director Quality Assurance, NUMS visited the National University of Science and Technology on the kind invitation of Dir QA Directorate of NUST for an Awareness Seminar on Quality Assurance Activities organized on 02 June, 2022 by QA Dte at Main Office NUST (Board Room), Islamabad.

Resource Person, Air Cdre (Retd) Muhammad Ismail, Director Quality Assurance, National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS), Rawalpindi. Dir QA, DDQA (SA) and all DLQECs of NUST Institutions attended the seminar.

Air Cdre (Retd) Muhammad Ismail, based on his experience at the Quality Assurance Division (QAD) HEC as Consultant, shed light on policies and activities for NOC, appointment of faculty members on TTS in public sector universities, implementation of plagiarism policies and dealing with the reports/complaints received in this regard through HEC's plagiarism standing committee. He also highlighted the issues in creation and usage of PQR, recognition of Science and Technology Journals published in the country, formulation/review of policies related to QA in Higher Education Institutions and working of Academics, Research & Development Division and digital library of HEC were also discussed to help LQEC Heads understand the working principle behind these offices.

The session ended after a detailed question and answer session.


The Higher Education Commission's Quality Assurance Agency is tasked with strengthening the Quality Assurance System through Internal Quality Assurance Mechanisms and External Quality Assurance Mechanisms. For which the Quality Assurance Agency of the Higher Education Commission (HEC) conducted a three-day activity, planned for the Heads and officials of QECs of twenty-one universities on January 10-12, 2022, at the National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad. To ensure participation from NUMS and to show preparedness to strive for implementation of the quality standards and criteria, Air Cdre Muhammad Ismail SI(M) (Retd), Director Quality Assurance, NUMS and Dr. Erum Monis, AD Quality Assurance participated in the three-day event.

The meeting was chaired by Mrs Shaista Sohail, Executive Director HEC, Pakistan.

This year, QAA-HEC changed the format of conducting the Progress Review Meetings in order to make them more helpful and engaging. On the first day, there was a Consultative Meeting/ Focused Group Discussion with the Heads of QECs, in which each Head of QEC discussed the core issues related to Yearly Progress Report (YPR). This session was led by Mr Shoaib Irshad, DD QAA. The meeting was followed by a briefing on the criteria for the YPR for 2021-22, as well as training on the updated Program Review form and HEI data source. The training was primarily intended to instruct universities on how to prepare YPRs using the provided template, as well as the requisite databases and acceptable evidences, for each of the new criteria's parameters.

The first session of Day 02 was on HEC’s Journal Recognition System (HJRS) & Research Publications Verification, which was presented by Director Research & Innovation Division, HEC, Mr Asif Hussain. Plagiarism Policy & NOC for MS/M.Phil. & Ph.D. Programs were the topic of discussion afterwards, which were conducted by Mr Sana Ullah Memon, Deputy Director HEC's Quality Assurance Division (QAD).

The final day of training was initiated by consultative workshop in which IPE Manual was revised. Mr Agha Raza, DD QAA of HEC, floated the draft revised Quality Assurance Principles and UPR Standards for open discussions and suggestions from the house. This was followed by presentations after focused group discussion group leaders including AD, QA, NUMS. The training was concluded with the speech of gratification by Director QA, NUMS on behalf of the participants of the twenty universities. In the concluding remarks, the esteemed participants were acknowledged for their contribution towards enhancing the quality of their institutes.

At the end certificate distribution ceremony was held which was chaired by Dr Javaid Iqbal, Professor Emeritus, member HEC.