International Participation

Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) publishes annual ranking of universities called the QS World University Rankings, which is highly regarded and widely used by research by various stake holders for different purposes. The rankings take into consideration various criteria such as academic reputation, research impact, student-to-faculty ratio, international diversity, and other factors. The methodology used to determine the rankings involves surveys of academic and employer reputation, research citations per faculty, international faculty, student ratios, and more.

In addition to the world university ranking, QS is providing a framework to show how universities are taking action to tackle the world’s greatest Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) challenges through their new QS World University Rankings: Sustainability 2023.

The new ranking will evaluate the social and environmental impact of universities as a center of education and research as well as a major employer with the operational costs and sustainability challenges of any large and complex organization.

A webinar was held on the topic of QS Sustainability Ranking, which was led by Dr. Drew MacFarlane who introduced the methodology for the said ranking which will include indicators that demonstrate:

  1. Research collaboration between Official Development Assistance (ODA) – commonly known as overseas aid – countries and non-ODA countries.
  2. Research assessment across 17 of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
  3. Diversity among alumni, rating those universities with alumni that have gone onto make a major impact in tackling environmental and social challenges, in climate action, social policy and education.
  4. Educational provision which incorporates social and environmental priorities.
  5. The presence of publicly-available policies which support social and environmental initiatives. For example, in improving diversity or achieving net-zero emissions.
  6. A measure of academic freedom which ranks countries by the openness with which academics are allowed to research and publish.
  7. All institutions are eligible to participate in the rankings, regardless of size, specialism or teaching level. We estimate around 700 will be ranked in this first edition.

Dr. Drew shared that the education sector is one of the few sectors that can support, promote, and contribute to achieving all the 17 UN SDGs. Universities are essential to achieving the SDGs because they can equip the next generation with the skills, knowledge, and understanding to address sustainability challenges and research that advances the sustainable development agenda.

The webinar was attended by a diverse group of participants, including students, faculty, and university administrators. The attendees actively participated in the discussion and asked several questions about the ranking methodology, how universities can improve their sustainability practices, and the benefits of being ranked in the QS Sustainability Ranking. During the webinar the timeline was discussed with participants.

NUMS was represented in the session by Dr. Erum Monis, Deputy Director, Sumiya Nauman and Asif Imran, Managers, Quality Assurance Dte.


A Masterclass on ‘The impact of international talent on university performance’ was conducted online by Times Higher Education (THE) on March 20, 2023. The session highlighted how universities that invest in recruiting international talent benefit from a halo effect that improves overall performance and empowers partnerships and collaborations, research excellence, quality teaching, and reputation; metrics that are reflected in THE’s World University Rankings.  Deputy Director Quality Assurance (QA) – Dr. Erum Monis from NUMS actively participated in the session.

Following were the presenters from THE for the Masterclass;

  1. Michael Lubacz (Business Development Director)
  2. David Watkins (Managing Director, Data Science)
  3. Jamie Morris Head of Customer Success

The team of experts shared through their individual presentations on powerful, data-driven insights and strategic consultancy support to agenda-setting events and hiring solutions, their products and services to enable everyone in higher education to make smarter, more informed decisions. They shared insights that showed between the years 2018 and 2023 Hiring Subscribers(universities) have improved in the Psychology, Business and Economics, Physical Sciences, Engineering, Social Sciences, Education, Law, Clinical and Health, Computer Science, Arts and Humanities, Life Sciences subjects in comparison with The World, but has dropped in none.  The presenters also shared case studies in this regard.

Session ended with token of thanks and the queries of the participants were answered by the experts.


The impacts of climate change on natural resources can lead to displacement, worsening living conditions as well as it is an obstruction in the return of already displaced people. The parliaments played a key role in responding to the climate change and displacement and building long-term resilience. 

On September 21, 2022, an online webinar/dialogue was organized by the UNHCR and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), supported by International Association of Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection (PHAP).

The objectives of the dialogue were to discuss:

  • to increase parliamentarians’ understanding of the linkages between climate change, displacement and human security
  • the role of parliaments and linkages for addressing and sharing the best practices for the climate issues and its impact

The distinguished presenters of the webinar included the following members;

  • Mr. Martin Chungong, IPU Secretary General (TBC)
  • Ms. Gillian Triggs, Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, UNHCR (TBC)
  • Ms. Şafak Pavey, Senior Adviser, UNHCR
  • Mr. Andrew Harper, Special Adviser on Climate Action, UNHCR

A large number of participants around the globe attended the session. Ms Sumiya Nauman, Manager Quality Assurance, NUMS also attended the webinar/dialogue.

The event included the briefing by the UNHCR Special Advisor on Climate Action, followed by a dialogue with parliamentarians to create an open space for information and good practice sharing. The presenters shared Strategic Framework of UNHCR for Climate Action with the participants and explain its role in mobilizing multi stakeholder partnerships to better address the protection needs of and to help build resilience for the most vulnerable within the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDG-17, Partnership for the Goals and SDG-13, Climate Action)

The dialogue enabled the discussions between parliamentarians on challenges and solutions for disaster preparedness and prevention, access to services, and on building resilience for displaced and host populations affected by the climate emergency. The representative from parliament of Pakistan also highlighted the current situation and impacts of urban flooding during 2022 in Pakistan.  The opportunities to learn about tools to influence and monitor national actions tackling climate change were also discussed.

The concluding remarks were given by Special Advisor UNHCR, Mr. Andrew Harper, wherein he thanked all the presenters for sharing their view point with each other and with the participants of the webinar.


To support the understanding of the upcoming methodology changes for the institutions, Times Higher Education (THE) organized a Masterclass on World University Rankings (WUR) methodology and its implications for WUR 2024 on Wednesday 7 September, 2022. The webinar was hosted by Chief Data Officer Duncan Ross of THE. Ms Sumiya Nauman, Manager Quality Assurance from National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) attended the one-hour online session.

During the presentation, Mr Ross shared that since the methodology was last updated, the rankings have grown from 400 to 1799 universities. The new methodologies and its impact on the university’s overall and subject-level performance along with the impacts of Covid-19 (2023 Ranking) were discussed in detail. THE’s in-depth analysis includes a comprehensive assessment of each institution’s performance across the five pillars and the distinct metrics that underpin the THE World University Rankings, with in-depth focus on the wider range of bibliometric measures, he added. THE analysis is going to include benchmarking against domestic or international peers of institution’s choosing, he added.

In his concluding remarks, the presenter shared that this update will provide the universities a more robust, more insightful and better data for comparison and benchmarking. The webinar concluded with the vote of thanks to all the participants of the session by the Mr Ritin Malhotra, General Manager & Regional Director (Asia).


An introductory Masterclass on how to leverage and best communicate rankings results both to internal and external stakeholders is organized by Times Higher Education’s (THE) on Tuesday 20th September 2022. The session was attended by university stakeholders including rankings staff members, marketing & communications professionals responsible for reporting and communicating on rankings performances. From NUMS, Deputy Director Quality Assurance (QA) - Dr Erum Monis, Manager QA - Ms Sumiya Nauman and Assistant Manager - Mr Aqib Shafiq actively participated in the subject session.

Following were the presenters from THE for the Masterclass;

  1. Duncan Ross (Chief Data Officer)
  2. Mark Sudbury (Head of Reputation)
  3. Claire Baumforth (Marketing Director)
  4. Michael Lubacz (Business Development Director)

The team of experts shared through individual presentations the tips and guidance on best ways to use the rankings for promoting the university through rankings.  Every type of ranking has its own unique features, perspective, rules of participation, the information it provides and the influence of rankings, shared by Mr Ross.

All the presenters emphasized that the rankings methodologies, results, how the results are interpreted, institution’s performance and how ranking data supports its internal reporting are few very important and impactful features to be understood by the relevant staff of the university. It was also recommended by THE experts that the universities shall plan the activities strategically by understanding their key stakeholders that includes internal stakeholders (faculty, researchers), external stakeholders (students, parents, other institutes) and alumni. The informative messages developed by the university in relevance to the rankings shall address the requirements and expectations of each stakeholder.

The experts shared that the website of the university is face of the university where branding needs an intelligent effort by use of the best ways to pitch to media entities. The best practice and case studies on effective university communications, Interacting and engaging with audience on social media were also shared.

At the end of the session, the queries of the participants were answered in a well-defined manner by all the presenters with a vote of thanks for their interest in THE rankings.


The International network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) was the first ever International Network of Quality Assurance Agency in QA bodies. INQAAHE has introduced the INQAAHE Talks, which is a series of webinars focusing on global and regional issues presented by local and International experts providing the insight into Quality Assurance matters. In continuation of this series a webinar was arranged on “Quality Assurance and Recognition Practices, Challenges and Opportunities” on July 07, 2022. The webinar highlighted quality issues related to cross-border education, also referred to as transnational education (TNE), distance learning or offshore campuses.

The presenters included the following;

  • Dr. Nitesh Sughnani, Director of University Quality Assurance at the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), UAE
  • Dr. Abi Coveney, Senior Risk Manager/TNE lead at the Office for Students, UK
  • Dr. Kushnood Haq, Vice President for Institutional Field Relations at the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), USA
  • Dr. Khairul Salleh Mohamed Sahari, Deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO) (Quality Assurance) Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA)
  • Dr. Fabrizio Trifiro, Head of Quality Benchmark Services Ecctis Limited

The speakers gave a comprehensive presentation on cross border education system, regulations and approaches that their organizations are taking to ensure the quality assurance systems in cross border education. Dr. Nitesh Sughnani spoke on higher education in Dubai and Quality Beyond Border group projects. Dr. Abi being the TNE lead at Office for Students, UK shared best practices in promoting the TNE in England. He said that the aim of all QA agencies should be to ensure access to higher education by anyone who wishes to acquire it.  Dr. Kushnood Haq elaborated that Quality Assurance systems in transnational education have been developed for a number of years to improve the professional and educational standards. He discussed, in detail the challenges and opportunities institutions face in transnational education in general.

The webinar was attended by over hundred participants from the universities across the globe. Dr. Erum Monis Deputy Director QA NUMS, Ms.  Sumiya Nauman Manager, Muhammad Waqas Manager (Data Analyst), and Aqib Shafiq Assistant Manager attended this webinar and represented NUMS through their participation.


National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) has participated first time since its establishment, in International Ranking i.e, Impact Ranking, 2022 by Times Higher Education (THE).

The Impact Ranking by THE are the only global performance tables that assesses the universities' impact on society based on the institution's success in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) across the broad areas of research, stewardship, outreach and teaching.

For Impact Ranking 2022, 1406 universities from 106 countries across the globe participated in the international ranking.

Out of 17 global goals, NUMS has participated for SDG 3, 4, 5 & 17 and ranked on 1001+ (Overall) internationally. NUMS stands amongst top tier Medical Universities and 55th from overall universities from Pakistan who are contributing towards sustainability for UNAI Global Goals by having their social and economic Impact.

NUMS is also amongst the leading institution from Pakistan who is contributing towards the SDG 3 (Good Health & Well Being) by positioning itself on 11th out of total 44 universities and ranked between 401-600 out of 1101 institutions internationally. Also, NUMS is positioned as 46th out of 62 universities for SDG 4 (Quality Education), 36th out of 49 universities for SDG 5 (Gender Equality) and 56th out of 63 universities for SDG 17 (Partnership for the Goals).


The QEC-LGU organized 1st International Seminar/Workshop on the topic “Quality Paradigm of the Developed Nations – Lesson for the Developing Countries” on April 7, 2022 (Thursday) at 1300 Hrs.

 International speakers with a diversified experience in the field of quality were invited for keynote speech, including Ms. Maria Kelo, Director of Institutional Development Unit, European Universities Association, Dr. Ailsa Crum, Director of Membership Quality Enhancement & Standards QAA, UK, & Ms. Katie Akerman, Director Quality Enhancement & Standards, University of ChiChester.

Ms. Maria Kelo presented her talk on European Quality Assurance and Institutional Development. She shared how EU Universities have attained and sustained International standards of QA. Dr. Ailsa Crum, spoke on QA in Higher Education suggesting a Road Map for Developing Countries. QEC Model at UK Universities was elaborated upon by Katie Akerman.

The meeting was attended by Dr Erum Monis, Asst Director Quality Assurance NUMS. The conference provided insight into international universities and hence, gave an opportunity to Pakistani Universities to make their QECs and Academics Departments compatible with the international market by adopting the international standards of teaching, coaching, mentoring, and Quality Assurance.


On International Women's Day, March 8, 2022 an online webinar was organized by Times Higher Education (THE) in partnership with UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC). Representatives from 30 plus universities around the globe attended the online session. Dr Erum Monis, Assistant Director Quality Assurance and Ms Sumiya Nauman, Assistant Manager QA participated in the international session.

During the session, the case studies were delivered by five inspirational academic leaders around the globe by sharing how their universities are beacons of excellence in driving progress towards gender equality. The speakers included the following members;

·         Erika Adriana Loyo Beristáin, Head of the Gender Equality Unit, University of Guadalajara

·         Eileen Drew, director, Centre for Gender Equality and Leadership, Trinity College Dublin

·         Kathryn Maud, assistant professor of women and gender studies, American University of Beirut

·         Bhavani Rao, director, Ammachi Labs and Unesco chair in gender equality and women’s empowerment, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

·         Judith Waudo, director of the Center for Gender Equity and Empowerment, Kenyatta University

A presenter Ms Victoria Galan Muros (Chief of Research and Analysis) from International Institute of Higher Education (UNESCO IESALC) also shared the role of universities in promoting SDGs and subsequently their role in promoting the “Gender Equality”. She emphasized that Education, Research; Engagement & Management are the key areas towards achieving this goal. Another group presentation by Ms Rosa Ellis (Ranking reporter at THE) and Ms Emma Deraze (Senior data Scientist at THE) shared a very good statistics via graphical representation regarding number of female graduates by subject area and region, percentage of female faculty by subject, percentage of female research authors, percentage of senior female academicians in addition to the success and challenges in achieving the Gender Equality at global level.

At the end of the session, presenters were thanked for sharing their success stories and their own institute’s models designed for contributing towards Gender Equality by THE team. Participants were also encouraged for their presence and learning from the shared case studies. 


The United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) initiative connects higher education institutions with the United Nations in order to support and contribute to the achievement of the organization's goals. NUMS is a member of United Nations of Academic Impact (UNAI). On 24th January, 2022, UNAI organized an online workshop in the spirit of increasing the quality of life through SDGs. The session was moderated by Niki Harre, Professor in the School of Psychology and Coordinator of the Sustainability Module, University of Auckland (New Zealand). The presenters included,

  • Mr. Alexander Leicht, Chief of the Section of Education for Sustainable Development - UNESCO
  • Mr. David Hawley, Assistant Director for Student and Community Engagement at the Office of Global Engagement, North Carolina State University, USA
  • Dr. Seth Murray, Director of Program in International Studies, North Carolina State University, USA
  • Dr. Andrew Reeves, Project Director of Education for Sustainable Development, De Montfort University, UK  
  • Dr. Julie Gwilliam, Lead for Education for Sustainable Development and Dean of Postgraduate Studies at the College of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Cardiff University, UK

The event was attended by over 300 participants from the universities across the globe. NUMS was represented by the participation of Air Commodore Muhammad Ismail, SI(M) (Retd), Director Quality Assurance, Dr. Erum Monis, Assistant Director QA & Ms Sumiya Nauman, Assistant Manager QA. The workshop discussed how higher education institutions can integrate sustainable development education into existing academic programs. One of the vital agenda point discussed in the workshop was to map undergraduate and graduate courses to the Sustainable Development Goals. The proposed initiative was to ensure university-wide curriculum review to ensure their integration of UN SDGs in all the universities. The session was concluded with the gratitude towards all the participants and with the spirit of making changes in the curricula to facilitate the achievements of SDGs in every academic institution. 


A workshop was conducted by Times Higher Education (THE) on THE Impact Ranking, 2022 on September 14, 2021. The session was attended by Syed Mahmood Raza (Provost QA &RD), Air Cdre (Retd) Muhammad Ismail (Director QA), Dr Erum Monis (Assistant Director QA) and Ms Sumiya Nauman (Assistant Manager QA).

The resource person for the workshop was Mr Duncan Ross, Chief Data Officer at Times Higher Education. The university representatives from various Asia Pacific Countries (APAC) attended the session. Mr Ross briefed the participants through a very detailed presentation regarding THE assessment process, requirements, methodology, data submission process and changes that have taken place for the Impact Ranking 2022. He also deliberated on how the universities can select the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of their high performing areas and present their data to THE for ranking purpose. An overview regarding the scoring criteria, standard units of measurements, and SDGs breakdown was also shared from THE DataPoints portal along with the general and specific examples of evidence and metrics. Different terminologies and their requirements like policies, students’ progress, courses, standards, first generation students, low carbon energy, outreach, water usage and sewage etc were discussed so that the participants can clearly understand the related requirements. It was also shared that the single or multiple evidences for the selected SDGs provided to THE by the universities will go through a validation process.

At the end of the session, the queries of the participants were answered in a very effective manner. The session closed by sharing the timeline for data submission for Impact ranking and contact details for provision of data provider’s details to THE by the institute.