Nursing Introduction

It is a ground reality that all walks of life in general and health professions in particular; both globally and nationally are in a state of accelerating changes; nursing education is no exception to it. We are developing and moving towards newer educational activities based on the nursing knowledge, evidence based practice and technological advancement. Nurses today must retain the special vision of what they are doing and the difference they can make by their input in the health care system. Professionally they can be an effective support in addressing all the health concerns of the community.

Today the nursing education has shifted from diploma to degree programs throughout the world and also in our country for the purpose of preparing nurses who are qualified and competent enough to meet the challenges of tomorrow. This step forward by Armed forces Postgraduate College of Nursing Rawalpindi in the shape of starting Post RN BSN (2years) and Generic BSN (4 years) and post basic specialization in different spelialities has opened a new era of professional development for Nurses. Nurses must be able to combine competence with care and critical thinking; they must address physical, psychological and spiritual needs of clients. Community nurse must look beyond the condition and see the “Man as Individual with distinctive needs”. Moreover, these graduate nurses will be in position to carry out research for evidence based practice, be active part of preventive, curative and rehabilitative services and hence will be the vital contributors to health care system in our country.

Dean’s Message

NUMS is a place where we will strive to meet the aspirations of nurses and midwives to advance themselves and their professions.

Pakistan needs competent nurses and midwives more than ever, and ind...   More